Tags: maningst/erpc
eRPC updates 12/2019 -- improved the test_callbacks logic to be more understandable and to allow requested callback execution on the server side -- transportArbitrator::prepareClientReceive modified to avoid incorrect return value type -- the ClientManager and the ArbitratedClientManager updated to avoid performing client requests when the previous serialization phase fails -- generate the shim code for destroy of statically allocated services -- documentation update for v1.7.3
eRPC 1.4.1. updates -- Added support for unions type non-wrapped by structure. -- Added callbacks support. -- Strip ZC from RPMSG Lite file and classes names. -- Added support @external annotation for functions. -- Added support @name annotation. -- Changed @outputDir annotation to @output_dir annotation. -- Tests from execution section test_others were moved into pytest section. -- Updated documentation. -- Added MU transport layer. -- Added RPMSG Lite RTOS TTY transport layer. -- Extended threading to support put from interrupts. -- Improved doxygen comments handling. -- Added version verification and IDL version verification between eRPC code and eRPC generated shim code. -- Fixed IDL file examples.
Merge branch 'dev_erpc_1.4' into develop Updated eRPC to 1.4 version. -- Updated Copyrights. -- Formatted code. Added script for proper code formatting. -- Moved C specific code from SymbolScanner into CGenerator. -- Have only one client_error_handler_t type defnition. -- Added and fixed many pytest based tests. -- Fixed Cygwin build. -- Fixed linker. For case when for building was used different compiler. -- Added tests for testing arbitrated transport layer. -- test_doxygen was moved into test_others. Added test for imports. -- Fixed doxygen comments parsing. -- Replaced RPMSG Lite transport with RPMSG Lite ZeroCopy. Improved transport related code to support this transport type. -- Improved static queue. -- Usage codecs in setup functions is same as transports. -- Fixed Uart transport type. -- Updated documentation and moved into docs.