- Toronto
(UTC -05:00) - https://angel.co/__manjit__
cc-analyzer Public
Analyze credit card statements and provide insight on spending habits.
UpdatedOct 18, 2024 -
awesome-awesomeness Public
Forked from bayandin/awesome-awesomenessA curated list of awesome awesomeness
hrms Public
Forked from frappe/hrmsOpen Source HR and Payroll Software
tf-via-pr Public
Forked from DevSecTop/TF-via-PRReusable workflow CI/CD to interface Terraform CLI with multiple AWS accounts via GitHub PR comments.
drf-url-filters Public
A django app to apply filters on drf querysets using query params with validations using voluptuous.
kong-plugin Public template
Forked from Kong/kong-pluginSimple template to get started with custom Kong plugins
Lua Apache License 2.0 UpdatedMay 11, 2023 -
library Public
Sample project to demonstrate the use of DosFilter Middleware.
webhook Public
Forked from adnanh/webhookwebhook is a lightweight incoming webhook server to run shell commands
cookiecutter-django Public
Forked from cookiecutter/cookiecutter-djangoCookiecutter Django is a framework for jumpstarting production-ready Django projects quickly.
pytest-django Public
Forked from pytest-dev/pytest-djangoA Django plugin for pytest.
django-rest-framework Public
Forked from encode/django-rest-frameworkWeb APIs for Django.
engineering-blogs Public
Forked from erwanor/engineering-blogsA curated list of engineering blogs
razorpay-python Public
Forked from razorpay/razorpay-pythonRazorpay Python SDK
ansible-role-nginx Public
Forked from jdauphant/ansible-role-nginxAnsible role to install and manage nginx configuration
pull-request-reminder Public
Sends gentle reminders for assigned pull requests.
practice-react-with-redux Public
This react-with-redux is a practice project for tutorial "getting started with redux" on https://egghead.io by Dan Abramov.
marshmallow Public
Forked from marshmallow-code/marshmallowA lightweight library for converting complex objects to and from simple Python datatypes.
fetch Public
Forked from JakeChampion/fetchA window.fetch JavaScript polyfill.
select Public
Forked from react-component/selectReact Select
tooltip Public
Forked from react-component/tooltipReact Tooltip
ant-design Public
Forked from ant-design/ant-design🐜 A UI Design Language
docker.github.io Public
Forked from docker/docsSource repo for Docker's Documentation
react-blur-admin Public
Forked from knledg/react-blur-adminReact Blur Admin - Styles And Components
Django-facebook Public
Forked from tschellenbach/Django-facebookFacebook open graph api implementation using the Django web framework in python
plivo-python Public
Forked from plivo/plivo-pythonPlivo Python Helper Library