SCC Multi Tool script tested on Linux 18.04
SCC MN install guide
link to be updated
Commands to install
chmod +x
New server note New server and IPv6 setup only needs to be set up once per server.
MultiNode note To run multiple MN's on one server you will need to use the IPv6 option when promted in option 6 enter a unique Alias, BLS secret key, and rpc port each time you run masternode install tool.
Masternode install note
Alias = Name of your MN, Must all be in lower case with no spaces or special characters and also include "scc" in the name for multi tools
secret key= get this from your control wallets console using the command
bls generate
note this info and enter carefully
Port = Default port is 40000 and is set for you
RPCport = Default RPCport is 39999 use unique for multinode instructions (This will be replaced with the health check and repair tool soon)
Updated file for new commands if you are using an older version of this script wget
chmod +x
The new server option will also add a file in root named edit this file using nano add node alias to "node=" example "node1=alias"