TL;DR: ADRs are lots of documentation on how Straw Hat Team works.
ADR stands for Architecture decision record, which is a design document providing high-level, concise documentation for software development. The goal is for these documents to serve as the source of truth for software-related documentation at Straw Hat Team and the way teams discuss and come to consensus on software development guidance.
If you're new to ADRs, check out the Frequently Asked Questions which answer some common questions about how ADRs work and what you need to know.
ADR#0000000000 is the genesis ADR.
If you have an idea for an ARD that isn't written yet (yes, there are plenty!) check out Contributing to the project to see how you can write ADRs for others to follow.
Except as otherwise noted, the content of this repository is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License, and code samples are licensed under the MIT License.