USE: Ventoy instead
This is a modified script of the original Grubby USB example from Linux Format Issue 246
Caution: Make sure you double check the device before using this script. I take no responsibility for improper use of this script.
- Check your USB drive with either
- If it’s not blank use ‘gparted’ and create a GPT partition table on the device before entering the script
- Prepare ISO images.
Download the following images into the same directory as the write_usb script;
Link File name Tails 4.0 64bit tails-amd64-4.0.iso Clonezilla 2.6.4-10 64bit clonezilla-live-2.6.4-10-amd64.iso SuperGrub 2.04s1 super_grub2_disk_standalone_x86_64_efi_2.04s1.EFI Rescatux 0.51b3 rescatux-0.51b3.iso Debian Live 10.2.0 64bit xfce debian-live-10.2.0-amd64-xfce.iso SystemRescueCD-6.0.3 systemrescuecd-6.0.3.iso SystemRescueCD-4.8.3 systemrescuecd-x86-4.8.3.iso Kali XFCE 2019.3 64bit kali-linux-xfce-2019.3-amd64.iso MXLinux 19 32bit MX-19_386.iso 2019-10-22 Linux Mint 19.2 XFCE 64bit linuxmint-19.2-xfce-64bit.iso If you want different OS’s you will have to modify the grub.cfg and the rsync line in the script.
- Change ISO_SIZE variable in the write_usb script to match the GB of all ISO images. Make sure you have a big enough USB drive for all of this.q
- Starting the script.
Usage: sudo bash write_usb /dev/sdX
NOTE: Replace /dev/sdX with your USB device.
Shuttle | System76 Orxy4 Pro (2018) | BB-8 UP Squared | |
Distro | DS47 | Tricky GPU | (UEFI ONLY) |
System Rescue CD 4.8.3 | y | y (no GUI) | y (no GUI) |
System Rescue CD 6.0.2 | y | y (1 x 4k screen) | y |
Linux Mint 19.1 64bit | y | y (1 x 4k screen) | y |
Kali 2019.1 64bit | y | y (1 x 2k screen) | y |
Debian 9.8 LIVE 64bit | y | y (no GUI) | y |
Clonezilla 2.6.0-37 64bit | y | y | y |
MX Linux 18.1 32bit | y | y (1 x 2k screen) | y |
Tails Linux 3.12.1 64bit | y | y (1 x 4k screen scaled) | y |
RescueTUX 0.51b3 32bit | y | y (1 x 2k screen) | y |
RescueTUX 0.51b3 64bit | y | N/A | n/a |
SuperGrub2 2.02s10 (32/64bit) | y | y | y |