With this demo application, we use a pre-labelled set of transactions train.csv to predict the categories of a seperate transaction log test.csv. This usecase is specially useful if your fintech application needs to build a expense tracker or categorizer. This approach also avoids the task of finetuning the AI models and allows you to use off the shelf pre-trained model. This demo uses the Open AI text embedding model, you need a functioning Open AI API key to test this application
In this particular demo application, we use the library redisvl which is a python library helping you to use the redis vector database functionality in a hassle free manner.
The easiest way to is to use a docker image using the below command
docker run -d -p 6379:6379 -p 8001:8001 redis/redis-stack:latest
If you do not want to use a docker image, you can sign up for a free Redis Cloud subscription here.
Download the repository
git clone https://github.com/mar1boroman/ExpenseFlow.git && cd ExpenseFlow
Prepare and activate the virtual environment
python3 -m venv venv && source venv/bin/activate
Install necessary libraries and dependencies
pip install -r requirements.txt
Configure your OPEN AI Key in the .env file
vi .env
streamlit run ui/0_๐_Upload_Pre_Labelled_Data.py
In the first screen upload the train.csv file to load the embeddings of pre-labelled data
In the ๐ฎ_Predict_Categories screen load the test.csv file to predict the category of every transaction and show an aggregated view of the expense
If you want to check a sample step by step exection (behind the scenes view), the third screen allows you to enter a single transaction description manually and see how the category of the transaction is predicted.