Allows filtering of debug output in Xcode, and also per-line highlighting.
Clone, build, then restart Xcode
There will be a text field added on top of your debug console view in the Xcode IDE. Just enter a string there and the output will be filtered accordingly.
The plugin can also highlight lines of output. An example configuration file is included in this project’s root directory (dbgHighlightConf.plist). To setup log highlighting:
- create the directory ~/.dbgSearch/
- copy the file dbgHighlightConf.plist to that directory
The file is a simple plist that contains a dictionary with strings as keys, and float values for R, G, B and alpha parameters (will be passed to NSColor). E.g. to color messages containing the string "ERROR" with red, your plist will look like this:
<plist version="1.0">
<real>1.0</real> # red
<real>0</real> # green
<real>0</real> # blue
<real>1.0</real> # alpha
- Once a user starts debugging interactively, filters are ignored.
This plugin uses the XCode plugin project template Copyright (c) 2013 Delisa Mason and contributors Get it at