A proof of concept perl script for scanning your TLS certificates
- You need to change the hosts.txt, and add your own hosts. One on each line
- The hosts.txt needs to be in the same directory as the scanssl-beta.pl file
- You need to clone the ssllabs git repository before running this program: git clone https://github.com/ssllabs/ssllabs-scan.git
- You need to install the programming language go
- You need to install the following perl modules: JSON, Date::Parse, DateTime, File::Copy
- Run the program: perl scanssl-beta.pl and it should work!
- When all the hosts have been scanned, view your generated html file open it in a browser
- Remember that we work with two repositories to make this work. The one from SSLLABS which has a name ssllabs-scan, and my repository is named sslscan. This might be a bit confusing. The sslscan should be the folder from where you run the code. You will need to edit the scanssl-beta.pl to set the correct path to your ssllabs-scan directory.
Good luck