This software enables a motion simulator or other client to control movement of the Middlesex University motion platform.
Install the software by copying all the files including the two subdirectories (client and fstlib) directories to your PC. The software can run in any directory and no registry entries are needed. Install Python 2.7 if not already installed.
The following python modules are required to run with the example clients:
sys, time, math, copy, numpy, collections, traceback, socket, TKinter, tkMessageBox, ttk, pillow
The threaded client example also requires:
Queue, threading
Note the roller coaster client code in coaster directory will not be publically distributed. This software requires a licensed version of NoLimits2 and the following python modules:
serial, win32gui, win32api, win32con, ctypes
All activity is driven from the controller module through service calls that poll the client every 50 milliseconds. The client responds with orientation requests and/ or system commands. Orientation requests are in the form surge, sway, heave, roll, pitch, and yaw. These can be either real world values (mm and radians) or normalized values (values between -1 and 1 representing the maximum range of movement of the platform for each degree of freedom).
Note that the system needs most of the 50ms interval between service requests to calculate and drive the output; therefore the client must return promptly from the service calls. If necessary, the client can use the threaded client example as a model to decouple client processing from the system service routine.
(see comments in source code for more details)
- keyboard input of orientation
- tkinter gui input of orientation values, also include graphical display of
- orientation values sent as USP
– as above but UDP socket is on separate thread
- the main system
- controls gain, washout and smoothingshape.cfg
- stores saved
- calculates platform actuator lengths from orientation
- smooths data
- converts actuator requests to festo
– optional tkinter display of output state
Platform Config files: - these contain information on the physical properties of the platform
– config for original motion
- config for the second generation platform
Contains the icons and images used in the TK GUI
Contains the festo driver software