Consumer Financial Protection Bureau
- York, PA
- http://marcesher.com
Blue Ocean is a reboot of the Jenkins CI/CD User Experience
A script for rapidly sampling a proportion of lines from a file
A Groovy DSL for Jenkins Jobs - Sweeeeet!
marcesher / atmosphere
Forked from Atmosphere/atmosphereThe only Portable WebSocket/Comet Framework supporting Scala, Groovy and Java
Example chat, copying the Atmosphere example into a Grails 2.1 app
marcesher / ramen
Forked from CFCommunity/ramenit's a secret... for now!
Integrated Installer for ColdFusion Servers
A boilerplate-reduction library for using the Java Concurrency Framework in ColdFusion applications
Learning ActionScript through FlexUnit tests
Cloudy With A Chance Of Tests
Cloudy With A Chance Of Tests
marcesher / CFShorty
Forked from boltz/CFShortyA ColdFusion and MongoDB URL Shortner
marcesher / Combine
Forked from zefer/CombineServes Combined & compressed js & css with caching, using ColdFusion
Koans to learn Javascript
marcesher / mxunit.github.com
Forked from mxunit/mxunit.github.ioMXUnit github pages
marcesher / cfUniForm
Forked from QuackFuzed/cfUniFormA CFML custom tag library written by Matt Quackenbush and built around the Uni-Form markup specification (authored by Dragan Babic).
marcesher / collections
Forked from jalpino/collectionsIteration functions for mapping/reducing/filtering/etc Coldfusion collections (Arrays and Structures)
Presentations, articles, etc created by the MXUnit team