- Bloomington, IN USA
- https://marc.guyer.me
- Pro
Provides version detection, making versioned resource routing possible in PSR-7 applications.
➿ A set of utilities to operate with Doctrine ORM's batch processing techniques
GraphQL for Doctrine using Hydrators
Alias legacy ZF class names to Laminas Project equivalents.
marcguyer / zf2
Forked from zendframework/zendframeworkOfficial Zend Framework 2.0 git repository
marcguyer / phpunit-selenium-sauceondemand
Forked from sauce-archives/phpunit-selenium-sauceondemandExtension of PHPUnit_Selenium providing Sauce OnDemand integration for PHPUnit.
Node.js CheddarGetter wrapper
marcguyer / phpunit
Forked from sebastianbergmann/phpunitThe PHP Unit Testing framework.
Integrates Cheddargetter API into ActiveRecord
sauce-archives / phpunit-selenium-sauceondemand
Forked from dotsunited/phpunit-selenium-sauceondemandExtension of PHPUnit_Selenium providing Sauce OnDemand integration for PHPUnit.
A python client for the Cheddar Getter API (https://cheddargetter.com)
Cheddar Getter API Client for Ruby
perl client for the CheddarGetter.com API
Modified CheddarGetter API Wrapper For Codeignitor
Add Cheddar Getter hooks into your Customer model in Rails.
A RubyGem wrapper for the CheddarGetter API