UVic Formula Hybrid Repository for 2015
- Python is installed (Version 3.3.4 but any above is fine)
- Arduino UNO with a CAN-BUS Shield
- You need to install GPIO Interrupts on the raspberry pi
For Python 3:
sudo apt-get -y install python3-rpi.gpio
###Tkinter Notes
- Tips on Performance
###Python Notes
- If needed c functionality, here is a library ctypes
- GPIO interrupts GPIOinterrupts
Or we should be using listeners - Python guideline for raise
###2016 Plan Of Attack For now keep existing GUI(Although not the prettiest it works) Get CAN rate on MABx good to not saturate the pi-can shield Getting pi-2-pi communication over serial(Unless better solution is present) Get pi sending relevant data over RF to ipad or external device, test latency from pi-2-pi + RF communications
###2016 Ideas Long Range Communications
- This requires multiple pi's due to heavy load on a single pi for both GUI and RF comm