This project is a minimal Clojure wrapper over the LDA topic modeling implementation from MALLET, the MAchine Learning for LanguagE Toolkit.
The latest stable release is 0.1.1.
Add this :dependency
to your Leiningen project.clj
["marcliberatore.mallet-lda" "0.1.1"]
Feedback and pull requests welcome!
(ns example
(:require [marcliberatore.mallet-lda :refer [make-instance-list lda]]
[marcliberatore.mallet-lda.misc :refer [load-sample-documents]]))
;; for example:
(let [data [[1 ["a" "little" "lamb"]]
[2 ["row" "your" "boat"]]
instance-list (make-instance-list data)]
(lda instance-list))
;; or, if you're working in a cloned copy of this repository:
(lda (make-instance-list (load-sample-documents)))
;; (the above won't work with the JAR, as it does not include the sample documents.)
- Added
namespace, which contains functions to load data into the format expected bymallet-lda
. - Added sample data in
; seemallet-lda.misc/load-sample-data
for an example of how to load this data.
- Added
- Initial release.
The data in resources/sample-data
is the web
dataset from MALLET.
This sample data includes the text of 24 "featured articles" from Wikipedia, 12 from the English version, and 12 from the German version. They were retrieved in December 2008. The text is in UTF-8 encoding.
Write an idiomatic wrapper over the return value of (lda)
Copyright © 2013 Marc Liberatore
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.