Read this in other languages: Italian
lists to spam a lot of rubbish ... hand-curated to fight spammers harassing poor mailboxes .it #spamrevenge
Strictly blocks advertisements networks, malwares, spams, statistics & trackers included in phishing/malware/spam/scam campaign harassing poor italian ( mailboxes. Manually verified, and is updated regularly.
the lists are:
- antispam-it.txt (DNSBL to be used as mail client filters or server filters)
- antispam-it.hosts (hosts file to be used as DNS resolver)
- antispam-it.json (json file to be used in your applications)
- antispam-it.csv (csv file to be used in your applications)
- ip-to-ban.txt (ip list for firewall blocklist)
- antispam-emails.txt (full emails addresses to block, also added to the spamassassin-blocklist.txt)
- spamassassin-blocklist.txt (rules already prepared to be added to /etc/mail/spamassassin/
- outlook-blocklist.txt (rules already prepared to be added to MS Outlook)
Antispam-it is open source software licensed under the GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE license.
The project is developed by Marco Acorte and is available on GitHub.
The project and its contents are included also in these awesome projects:
- Hagezi, DNS-Blocklists: For a better internet - keep the internet clean!
- NoTracking, Automatically updated, moderated and optimized lists for blocking ads, trackers, malware and other garbage
You cand read a detailed roadmap here