ChunkMap is a JavaScript implementation of a chunked 2D tilemap using the Phaser game engine. The map is procedurally generated using Simplex noise and only the chunks of map neighbouring the camera are rendered, allowing the creation of potentially infinite maps that perform well. Phaser doesn't support infinite World bounds, so this implementation has a fixed world size of 8192x8192.
ChunkMap requires Bower and an HTTP server. Installation of these dependencies is via npm. If you don't have npm yet:
curl | sh
Run these commands in the project root directory
npm install bower -g
bower install
npm install http-server -g
http-server www
Now you can view the tilemap:
- http://localhost:8080/index.html
- Click and drag the map to look around
- Performance improvements
ChunkMap uses the awesome Voxel pack by Kenney. ChunkMap takes plenty of inspiration from Anders Evenrud's Tile Game.