A lightweight and simple object oriented PHP Router
💾 A database layer with a familiar PDO-like API but much more powerful. Building queries, advanced joins, drivers for MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite, MS SQL Server and Oracle.
Embeddable and Secure PHP Authentication System with Login, Signup, User Profiles, Profile Editing, Account Verification via Email, Password Reset System, Remember-Me Feature and more.
This is a simple and small single class PHP router that can handel the whole url routing for your project.
This PHP library enables you to scrape data from
A PHP MySQL PDO class similar to the the Python MySQLdb, which supports iterator and parameter binding when using "WHERE IN" statement.
Ultra fast PHP library to detect browser, OS, platform and device type by User-Agent parsing
Several PHP scripts for making Twitter bots that retweet certain terms, or post from a data source (rss, database, markov body, picture folder). is a PHP based social networking website, which supports exclusive multimedia content, sharing and private or group messaging service.
A simple, but secure PHP login script. Register, login, logout, email verification, password reset, edit user data, gravatars, captchas, remember me / stay logged in cookies, login with email, mail…
A sample login system with user registration
A Snippet of code to help you in Google Maps API. In this Script PHP Array and MySQL is used to store Latitude and Longitude. This script is made for those who needs a Map with Multiple Markers whi…
A simple php/mysql comment system meant to be easy to implement.
A wrapper for the OMDb API that gets movie info from IMDb and Rotten Tomatoes.
Files of Learn Object Oriented PHP while building a secure & scalable authentication system with validation & database handling.
A combination of useful functions to help someone out or just use as a guide to form their own function.
URL Compressor is a Web-Application that can actually Shorten long URL's and give you a short URL for sharing it with anybody. (NO API USED)
🔒 Password-less login system - Generating login link with Email Address
3 simple algorithms that will recommend a movie to an user
This PHP class gives you full control over the weather conditions and other data provided by Yahoo!'s Weather API. You can choose, for example, if the temperature is shown with or withouts its unit…
This is follow & unfollow system like twitter using html, css, jquery, javascript, bootstrap, ajax, php and mysql database