FastAPI server to serve whisper transcription models, xtts speech synthesis and audio-to-blendshape face animation models, for an end-to-end voice conversational agent.
Some of code has been copied from whisper-ui and NeuroSync
This was built & tested on Python 3.12.3, Ubutu 24. We recommend using a python virtual environment.
git clone
cd stt-tts-api
python3 -m venv ./env
source env/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
Download and place the XTTS-v2 model from 🤗HuggingFace in /models/
cd models
git clone
cd ..
# Optionally, set TTS model path and whisper model HF ID as environment variables. These are the default values
export TTS_MODEL=./models/XTTS-v2-argentinian-spanish
export WHISPER_MODEL=marianbasti/distil-whisper-large-v3-es
Download and place the NeuroSync model from 🤗HuggingFace in /models/
, and rename it as neurosync.pth
cd models
mv model.pth neurosync.pth
cd ..
uvicorn main:app --host --port 8080
A minimalistic web GUI runs on the base URL. It enables
- Interacting with the TTS model.
- Interacting with the transcription model.
- Testing the full pipeline with an external OpenAI-compatible API LLM. Just set the backend URL, API key and an optional system prompt.
Description: This endpoint accepts an audio file and returns its transcription in the specified format.
(str, required): The model to be used for transcription.file
(UploadFile, required): The audio file to be transcribed.response_format
(str, optional): The format of the transcription response. Can be one of['json', 'text', 'srt', 'verbose_json', 'vtt']
. Default isjson
(str, optional): An optional prompt to guide the transcription.temperature
(float, optional): A value between 0.0 and 1.0 to control the randomness of the transcription. Default is0.0
(str, optional): The language of the transcription.
- 200 OK: Returns the transcription in the specified format.
- 400 Bad Request: Returns an error if the request parameters are invalid.
Example Request:
curl -X POST "http://localhost:8080/v1/audio/transcriptions" \
-F "model=marianbasti/distil-whisper-large-v3-es" \
-F "file=@path_to_your_audio_file.wav" \
-F "response_format=json"
"text": "Transcribed text here"
Description: This endpoint accepts text and a speaker audio file, and returns a synthesized audio file.
(str, required): The text to be converted to speech.speaker_wav
(UploadFile, required): An audio file of the speaker's voice.
- 200 OK: Returns the synthesized audio file in WAV format.
- 400 Bad Request: Returns an error if the request parameters are invalid.
Example Request:
curl -X POST "http://localhost:8080/v1/audio/tts" \
-F "text=Hello, world!" \
-F "speaker_wav=@path_to_speaker_audio_file.wav"
The response will be a binary WAV file containing the synthesized speech.
Description: This endpoint accepts an audio file and returns blendshape coefficients for facial animation.
(UploadFile, required): The audio file to be analyzed.model
(str, optional): The model to be used for generating blendshapes. Default isdefault_blendshape_model
- 200 OK: Returns the blendshape coefficients in JSON format.
- 400 Bad Request: Returns an error if the request parameters are invalid.
Example Request:
curl -X POST "http://localhost:8080/v1/audio/blendshapes" \
-F "file=@path_to_your_audio_file.wav" \
-F "model=default_blendshape_model"