- Czech Republic
freebsd-ports-php56 Public
FreeBSD ports subtree to build unsupported (EoL) PHP 5.6
us-czech-keyboard-layout Public
U.S. - Czech Keyboard Layout for Mac OS X
programovani_pro_deti Public
Forked from xsuchy/programovani_pro_detiPříručka pro děti a rodiče o výuce programování dětí na prvním stupni (tj. věk 6 až 11 let).
UpdatedDec 2, 2020 -
timestampOverlay Public
Forked from cupnoodle/timestampOverlaySimple macOS app that displays current time overlay on your screen, helpful for taking screenshot for legal purpose
Swift UpdatedApr 26, 2020 -
Lock.swift Public
Forked from auth0/Lock.swiftA Swift & iOS framework to authenticate using Auth0 and with a Native Look & Feel
Swift MIT License UpdatedJun 25, 2019 -
Auth0.swift Public
Forked from auth0/Auth0.swiftSwift toolkit for Auth0 API
Swift MIT License UpdatedMay 31, 2018 -
FXBlurView Public
Forked from Vienta/FXBlurViewUIView subclass that replicates the iOS 7 realtime background blur effect, but works on iOS 5 and above.
Objective-C Other UpdatedJun 23, 2015 -
SimulatorStatusMagic Public
Forked from shinydevelopment/SimulatorStatusMagicClean up your status bar for taking screenshots on the iOS simulator.
Objective-C MIT License UpdatedMay 26, 2015 -
TestingInSwift Public
Forked from jeffh/TestingInSwiftA sample project of tests in Swift
Swift UpdatedApr 17, 2015 -
Quick Public
Forked from Quick/QuickThe Swift (and Objective-C) testing framework.
Swift Apache License 2.0 UpdatedMar 14, 2015 -
CaptchaControl Public
Forked from pavelmaca/CaptchaControlCaptcha Control for Nette Framework
SwiftGolf Public
Forked from nottombrown/SwiftGolfA game of codegolf as played in the July SF Swift meetup
Swift UpdatedJul 30, 2014 -
AirFloat Public
Forked from trenskow/AirFloatImplementation of AirPlay audio (AirTunes) for iOS.
Objective-C UpdatedJun 17, 2014 -
libairfloat Public
Forked from trenskow/libairfloatApple's AirPlay library - audio receiver only. Derived from the iOS app AirFloat.
C UpdatedJun 17, 2014 -
RomanNumeralsKata Public
Roman Numerals Kata in Objective-C (iOS)
Objective-C MIT License UpdatedApr 27, 2014 -
UIBAlertView Public
Forked from stavash-zz/UIBAlertViewA block-based UIAlertView alternative which runs a handler block after interactions are done, instead of using delegation
Objective-C UpdatedMar 31, 2014