With SQLPipe it is possible to create a full pipeline and orchestrate dependencies in a simplified way using SQL. The task management uses the asyncio library, so execution is done with the python coroutine system for parallel executions.
pip install sqlpipe
Using SqlPipeBuilder. Once the object has been instantiated, use the add_task method to add the scripts to be executed, you must specify a different id for each task, if one task depends on another, use the parent_id parameter to configure the dependency.
from sqlpipe import SqlPipeBuilder
con_str = 'postgres://user:pass@host:port/dbname'
pipe = SqlPipeBuilder(con_str, connections_limit=5)
# Add custom script
pipe.add_task(id='id_2', script='truncate table t1;', parent_id='id_1')
# Add SQL file script
pipe.add_task(id='id_1', script='queries/tables/t1.sql', file=True)
# Add all .sql in directory
# Execute all pipeline
# Start from specifc task
Using CLI
Call the CLI and pass the directory (-d or --directory) parameter, after that all .sql
files in the directory and subdirectories will be started. To configure a dependency just put the dependency in a comment on script file, example /* @parent=my-parent-task */
python -m sqlpipe -d queries
It's possible to call specific task passing the task parameter (-t or --task).
python -m sqlpipe -d queries -t task-id
Supported Databases
- PostgreSQL
- Redshift
Licence 📜 Code released under the MIT license.