A working installation of docker
and docker compose
This application comes with an example configuration for running with docker compose
. To get started rename .env.dist
to .env
and docker-compose.yml.dist
to docker-compose.yml
and adjust both configuration files to your local needs.
The file docker-compose.yml.dist
contains a default configuration suitable for local development.
Build the image using:
$ make build
Now you are ready to start the containers
$ docker compose up -d
To set up your .env
file follow the instructions given from
$ docker compose exec php lima app:env:setup
For more information on how to manage containers, please refer to the docker-compose CLI reference
# Wipe database
$ docker compose exec php lima app:db:wipe
# Run migrations
$ docker compose exec php lima migrations:migrate
# Create a new user (any role)
$ docker compose exec php lima app:user:create
# Create the default admin user
$ docker compose exec php lima app:user:create --default
# Load demo data
$ docker compose exec php lima app:db:demo-data
# Export database
$ docker compose exec php lima app:db:export database.xml
# Export database anonymized
$ docker compose exec php lima app:db:export database.xml --anonymize
# Import database
$ docker compose exec php lima app:db:import database.xml
The default nginx config for development contains configuration for HTTPS support. The only thing you need to do is to generate a certificate. You can use a self-signed certificate for simplicity, if you can tolerate the warnings in the browser. But there are already scripts helping you to generate a local CA certificate, which you can install in your browser or operating system.
For generating a local root CA certificate, please refer to docker/nginx/generate-root-cert.sh
. Please read the script
and verify the paths are valid for your system before running.
To generate a signed certificate for lima.local
, please check out docker/nginx/generate-site-cert.sh
Same rules for that script: Please have a look inside, before running it.
If you need to change paths, make your sure to reflect the changes in docker-compose.yml
and your nginx configuration.
Configure user: 1000:1000
in docker-compose.yml
if you want to mount the project files into the container.
To enable maintenance mode create a file named .maintenance
in application root. Remove the file to disable it.
In maintenance mode every API request will be responded with HTTP Status 503 - Service unavailable
CLI commands will stay available though.
In case of error the client will be supplied with a human-readable message, a specific error code (uppercase string, starting with "ERR"-) and an associated HTTP status code. A client should implement its own validation to ensure user input does not cause errors in the API.
Code | HTTP Status Code | Description |
ERR-AUTHENTICATION | 401 - Unauthorized | User could not be authorized |
ERR-CONFLICT | 409 - Conflict | Request conflicts with the current state of an object |
ERR-INTERNAL | 500 - Internal Server Error | Internal error, report to developer |
ERR-INVALID-INPUT | 400 - Bad Request | Request contains invalid input values |
ERR-MAINTENANCE-MODE | 503 - Service Unavailable | Service is temporarily not available due to maintenance |
ERR-METHOD-NOT-ALLOWED | 405 - Method Not Allowed | HTTP method is not allowed for this URL |
ERR-NOT-FOUND | 404 - Not Found | Requested resource could not be found |
ERR-PERMISSION | 403 - Forbidden | Request is not permitted to the current user |
ERR-RATE-LIMIT | 429 - Too Many Requests | Client has exceeded the rate limit |
ERR-UNIQUENESS | 400 - Bad Request | A Value violates a uniqueness constraint |
The following table lists the environment variables used in the application. Dynamic values are populated automatically
by the application. Static values must be supplied from the outside (e.g. by using a .env
Name | Mode | Description |
ADMIN_EMAIL | Static | Email address for default admin user |
ADMIN_PASSWORD | Static | Password for default admin user |
APP_BASE_URL | Static | Public base URL for the application |
APP_HOME | Dynamic | Path to application home directory |
APP_LOGOS_PATH | Dynamic | Path to directory for logos |
APP_LOGOS_PUBLIC_PATH | Static | Public URL path to logos |
EMAIL_SENDER_ADDRESS | Static | Sender address for outbound emails |
EMAIL_SENDER_NAME | Static | Sender name for outbound emails |
EMAIL_URL | Static | URL to use for outbound emails (gateway) |
JWT_SECRET | Static | Hex-encoded secret for JSON Web Tokens |
LOG_LEVEL | Static | Minimum level for log messages |
LOG_PATH | Static | Path to log file |
MYSQL_DATABASE | Static | MySQL database name |
MYSQL_HOST | Static | Hostname or IP address running MySQL |
MYSQL_PASSWORD | Static | Password for authenticating with MySQL |
MYSQL_USER | Static | Username for authenticating with MySQL |
RATE_LIMIT | Static | Defines an API rate limit |
REDIS_HOST | Static | Hostname or IP address running Redis |
- PHP classes: Singular
- REST resources: Plural (if resource can have multiple instances)
- DB tables: Plural
- PHP classes: UpperCamelCase
- PHP methods and properties: lowerCamelCase
- JSON fields: snake_case
- DB tables and columns: snake_case
- Class name must start with a context subject like "Match" or "Team"
- Class name must contain a verb in past tense