We assume that this will be built from inside an RStudio (server) session running in a docker container.
The docker image can be created from the accompanying Dockerfile. Run
make docker
to create this image.
The resulting image will always be called janacek:latest
This image is also available on DockerHub and can be obtained with the docker pull
docker pull xmjandrews/janacek:latest
The shell script run_docker.sh will run the container and allow the rocker based RStudio server session to accessed through the browser. Do
source docker/run_docker.sh
The open a browser at http://localhost:8788
. Log in with username "rstudio" and password "foo".
In the RStudio server session, open the Linux terminal (not R console). Do the following to access the book's home directory.
cd book
Next, source the setenv.sh, which sets up the environment for building the book.
source setenv.sh
Next, install sparklyr
. (For some reason, this does not install automatically when making the docker container, despite being in the Dockerfile as a run
Rscript -e "sparklyr::spark_install()"
The following script will make all chapter pdfs and copy them to a directory called build
bash build.sh
The following script will make all chapter slides and copy them to a directory called build_slides
bash build_slides.sh