This project was created as a way to give me a personal control panel to control and communicate among my android- and linux-based devices. I feel insufficient as a native Android developer, so I am compensating with my Angluar-fu and ExpressJS-fu. In this way, my devices can communicate in ways apps and cables cannot.
The server component is written in ExpressJS but compiled from TypeScript to help with keeping data structures consistent.
The service runs on a Linux machine with or without an X server and Pulseaudio for the audio service. (I would like to explore and support JACK in future #FutureFeature).
The client runs in a browser on a remote device.
The client can control the server in various ways. The server can communicate with clients in various ways.
I can expand on this as I develop out more ideas. However, this is now a repository and a means by which I can build out these features.
With the server plugged into Pulse as an audio client, you can control the volume without being connected to the keyboard. By default uses a 3% step in volume (@TODO make this a configurable).
Far too often, I am left with data on either mobile or laptop or server clipboard data that I want to transfer to the other. Using the "note to self" feature on Signal-Desktop and Signal-Android is okay, but something more seamless would be nice. This now grants me a button to directly copy and paste from mobile to laptop.
- Authentication and Security: I understand this app is an incredible insecurity if exposed in the wrong ways. Mitigate this with a minimal level of authentication and security.
- Messaging: Toast messages from server to clients? Broadcast/subscription abilities.