GoF patterns written with different languages
The base of all these (someday complete) ports of GoF patterns originally come from Larry Truett's Java Design Patterns at http://www.fluffycat.com/Java-Design-Patterns/ Much thanks to Larry for allowing to me to start off this project with his Java code base.
- ClojureScript
- Rust http://rust-lang.org
- Java 8
- Ocaml
- Scala
- Add Cake Pattern and/or a dependency injection example foreach lang, starting point http://jonasboner.com/2008/10/06/real-world-scala-dependency-injection-di/
- Add ImmutableObject pattern (only done for Java right now)
- Add Null Object pattern
- Add Tail Recursion pattern (maybe this is more an idiom, than an official pattern?)
- Fix Builder pattern to offer only getters (remove setters)
- RAII (not really a pattern, but an interesting topic to handle with a user-level api in each language)
- Command and Query Responsibility Segregation (CQRS) Pattern, descriptions here and here
- Perl - complete
- CoffeeScript - complete
- JavaScript - complete
- C - complete
- PHP - complete
- Python - complete
- Perl6 - complete
- Ruby - complete
- C# - complete
- Java - complete
- Go - complete
- Clisp - complete
- Clojure - complete
Install Java
Install Ant
cd java
If Java sources build successfully:
Install Perl
cd perl
perl Build.PL
./Build test
Install Node.js
sudo npm install -g coffee-script # need this only once per system
sudo npm install -g grunt-cli # need this only once per system
git clone [email protected]:markmontymark/patterns.git
cd patterns/coffeescript
npm install # need this only once per git clone
Built with gcc on a Ubuntu box
$ gcc --version
(Ubuntu/Linaro 4.7.2-2ubuntu1) 4.7.2
$ uname -a
Linux 3.5.0-17-generic #28-Ubuntu SMP Tue Oct 9 19:31:23 UTC 2012 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
Already had gcc and autotools installed, so ping me if you need help w/ setup on Linux.
Again, built on a Ubuntu box which makes this very quick and easy to setup. I'm using PHP 5.4.26 and testing with PHPUnit
$ php --version | head -1
PHP 5.4.6-1ubuntu1.2 (cli) (built: Mar 11 2013 14:57:54)
$ phpunit --version | head -1
PHPUnit 3.6.10 by Sebastian Bergmann.
Installed using apt-get as:
$ sudo apt-get install php5
$ sudo apt-get install phpunit
Install Python 3.x
sudo apt-get install python3
## then, I already had python2.7 so I munged my path in .bashrc
mkdir $HOME/.alternatives
ln -s /usr/bin/python3 $HOME/.alternatives/python
export PATH=$HOME/.alternatives:$PATH
This way, if I want to stop using python3, I just muck with $PATH instead of changing symlinks
Install nosetests
sudo apt-get install python-nose
Running the tests for Python 3
cd python
This is by far the most Python I have ever wrote, so probably has tons of bad habits or bad idioms.
Install Perl6
See notes in perl6/README.md as they are not just a couple of steps...
Once that's sorted:
Install Ruby, RubyGems, a custom Tapper test module
sudo apt-get install ruby1.9.1
sudo apt-get install rubygems
git clone [email protected]:judofyr/tapper.git
cd tapper
gem build tapper.gemspec
sudo gem install --local tapper-0.0.1.gem
git clone [email protected]:markmontymark/patterns.git
cd patterns/ruby
make test
make loudtest
make timetest
Install Mono dev tools and use a Makefile (for now) for building and running tests
sudo apt-get install mono-complete
cd patterns/csharp
make test
Note I wrote this for Linux/Mono so YMMV for Windows/Mac
sudo apt-get install golang-go
cd patterns/go/behavioral/chainofresponsibility
go test
sudo apt-get install clisp
sudo apt-get install cl-quicklisp
cd clisp
# Install Clojure -- using 1.5.1 at the moment
wget http://repo1.maven.org/maven2/org/clojure/clojure/1.5.1/clojure-1.5.1.zip
unzip clojure-1.5.1.zip
#Install Leiningen download the lein script and set in $PATH
wget https://raw.github.com/technomancy/leiningen/stable/bin/lein -o /path/to/where/you/want/lein
chmod 755 /path/to/where/you/want/lein
lein test
GoF book groups software dev patterns into 3 groups: Creational, Structural, and Behavioral.
Abstract Factory Sets of methods to make various objects.
Builder Make and return one object various ways.
Factory Method Methods to make and return components of one object various ways.
Prototype Make new objects by cloning the objects which you set as prototypes.
Singleton A class distributes the only instance of itself.
Adapter A class extends another class, takes in an object, and makes the taken object behave like the extended class.
Bridge An abstraction and implementation are in different class hierarchies.
Composite Assemble groups of objects with the same signature.
Decorator One class takes in another class, both of which extend the same abstract class, and adds functionality.
Facade One class has a method that performs a complex process calling several other classes.
Flyweight The reusable and variable parts of a class are broken into two classes to save resources.
Proxy One class controls the creation of and access to objects in another class.
Chain Of Responsibility A method called in one class can move up a hierarchy to find an object that can properly execute the method.
Command An object encapsulates everything needed to execute a method in another object.
Interpreter Define a macro language and syntax, parsing input into objects which perform the correct opertaions.
Iterator One object can traverse the elements of another object.
Mediator An object distributes communication between two or more objects.
Memento One object stores another objects state.
Observer An object notifies other object(s) if it changes.
State An object appears to change its` class when the class it passes calls through to switches itself for a related class.
Strategy An object controls which of a family of methods is called. Each method is in its` own class that extends a common base class.
Template Method An abstract class defines various methods, and has one non-overridden method which calls the various methods.
Visitor One or more related classes have the same method, which calls a method specific for themselves in another class.