🛡️ Awesome EDR Bypass Resources For Ethical Hacking ⚔️
- trickster0/TartarusGate: TartarusGate, Bypassing EDRs
- am0nsec/HellsGate: Original C Implementation of the Hell's Gate VX Technique
- The paper PDF has a nice summary of EDR Bypass techniques.
- Maldev-Academy/HellHall: Performing Indirect Clean Syscalls
- A technique called HellsGate, which specifies a system call number through a value in memory, combined with a technique to call a system call by specifying an address in NTDLL where the syscall instruction is implemented, without calling the syscall instruction.
- TheD1rkMtr/UnhookingPatch: Bypass EDR Hooks by patching NT API stub, and resolving SSNs and syscall instructions at runtime
- RedTeamOperations/Journey-to-McAfee
- op7ic/EDR-Testing-Script: Test the accuracy of Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) software with simple script which executes various ATT&CK/LOLBAS/Invoke-CradleCrafter/Invoke-DOSfuscation payloads
- tanc7/EXOCET-AV-Evasion: EXOCET - AV-evading, undetectable, payload delivery tool
- naksyn/Pyramid: a tool to help operate in EDRs' blind spots
- Yaxser/Backstab: A tool to kill antimalware protected processes
- klezVirus/inceptor: Template-Driven AV/EDR Evasion Framework
More of a malware development workshop for pentesters than a workshop to Bypass EDR.
- chvancooten/maldev-for-dummies: A workshop about Malware Development
- BC-SECURITY/Beginners-Guide-to-Obfuscation
- chr0n1k/AH2021Workshop: Malware development for red teaming workshop
- WesleyWong420/RedTeamOps-Havoc-101: Materials for the workshop "Red Team Ops: Havoc 101"
- Lifting the veil, a look at MDE under the hood - FIRST CONFERENCE 2022
- Dirty Vanity: A New Approach to Code Injection & EDR Bypass - Black Hat Europe 2022
- talks/Diego Capriotti - DEFCON30 Adversary Village - Python vs Modern Defenses.pdf
- Develop Your Own Rat
- Living-Off-the-Blindspot - Operating into EDRs’ blindspot | Naksyn’s blog
- Type of person who works hard in Python; uses PEP 578 – Python Runtime Audit Hooks.
- Bypass CrowdStrike Falcon EDR protection against process dump like lsass.exe | by bilal al-qurneh | Medium
- The story is that a forensic tool can be used to dump memory without detection. This is an example of how a tool for legitimate purposes that is not an attack tool can be used in an attack without being detected.
- State-of-the-art EDRs are not perfect, fail to detect common attacks - The Record from Recorded Future News
- A tale of EDR bypass methods | S3cur3Th1sSh1t
- In-Memory Execution in macOS: the Old and the New | Meta Red Team X
- macOS!!!!