dance/Art + Technology + Creative AI + Generative Systems + Computational Creativity and Cognition + Enactivism + Networks + Complexity + Vipassana
- 🔗 I am an interdisciplinary artist: dance improvisation, software engineering, creative coding, generative AI
- I am fascinated by generative design, data flows, AI and complex systems...
- This and that...
- ⚡ I was a professional dance improvisation
- I teach meditation to dancers web3 and creatives...
- Artists lectures workshops and performances
- Berlin based, Venezuelan born US citizen.
const marlon t = {
pronouns: "He" | "Him",
code: [" all things JavaScript""],
askMeAbout: ["Complexity", "Tech", 'Dance and Technology", "the Whole Earth Catalog", "Embodied Cognition", "Generative AI"],
currentFocus: "AI, ML, XR/AR, .js",
important: "Be here, Now'"