MGM: Global Understanding of Audience Overlap Graphs for Predicting the Factuality and the Bias of News Media
The codebase has been tested on Ubuntu 20.04.2 LTS using Python 3.8. To set up the environment and install the necessary dependencies, please follow the steps outlined below.
conda env create -f environment.yml
MGM can be equipped with various GNN models:
- GraphSAGE
- GATv2Conv
Data files are available in the data directory with the name of fact and bias. is used to load the bias data. is used to load the data for factuality task.
- To replicate our experimental results for the Factuality dataset, please use the following command to train the MGM based models:
python --cuda_id 0 --model [gcn/graphsage/gat/sgc/dna/gcnii/film/ssgc/fagcn/gatv2] --criterion sigmoid --hidden_dim [16,32,64..] --log_dir ./your_log --k 3 --eta [0.5,0.6,0.7,0.8,0.9,1] --val_test_batch_size 2 --epochs 50 --run_times 5 --normalize True --gnn_lr 0.001 --vae_lr 0.0001 --sim_function feature_base
- To replicate our experimental results for the Bias dataset, please use the following command to train the MGM based models:
python --cuda_id 0 --model [gcn/graphsage/gat/sgc/dna/gcnii/film/ssgc/fagcn/gatv2] --criterion sigmoid --hidden_dim [16,32,64..] --log_dir ./your_log --k 3 --eta [0.5,0.6,0.7,0.8,0.9,1] --val_test_batch_size 2 --epochs 50 --run_times 5 --normalize True --gnn_lr 0.001 --vae_lr 0.0001 --sim_function feature_base
hidden_dim: The dimensionality of the hidden layer, matching the baseline's configuration as described in the main paper.
K: The number of globally similar nodes to consider.
eta: A hyperparameter controlling the balance between local and global information.
eta = 1: Relies solely on local information, similar to the baseline models.
eta = 0.5: Equally weighs local and global information using the MGM approach.