Implements Google's ReCaptcha into OXID eShops.
Download the latest release and copy the contents of the folder copy_this
to your server. Do NOT download the source files and just upload them to your server, that won't work.
Generate a key pair on and set the values in the module settings in the OXID backend. Then activate the module.
No further action required.
In addition to that, for users of other templates, some additional blocks to the template. The following files have to be modified:
Enclose the label in a block named captcha_label, for example in the form/contact.tpl
, replace (around line 56)
<label class="req">[{ oxmultilang ident="VERIFICATION_CODE" suffix="COLON" }]</label>
<label class="req">
[{block name="captcha_label"}]
[{ oxmultilang ident="VERIFICATION_CODE" suffix="COLON" }]
and the actual captcha in a block named captcha_body
[{assign var="oCaptcha" value=$oView->getCaptcha() }]
[{if $oCaptcha->isImageVisible()}]
<img src="[{$oCaptcha->getImageUrl()}]" alt="">
<span class="verificationCode" id="verifyTextCode">[{$oCaptcha->getText()}]</span>
<input type="text" data-fieldsize="verify" name="c_mac" value="" class="js-oxValidate js-oxValidate_notEmpty">
<p class="oxValidateError">
<span class="js-oxError_notEmpty">[{ oxmultilang ident="ERROR_MESSAGE_INPUT_NOTALLFIELDS" }]</span>
[{block name="captcha_body"}]
[{assign var="oCaptcha" value=$oView->getCaptcha() }]
[{if $oCaptcha->isImageVisible()}]
<img src="[{$oCaptcha->getImageUrl()}]" alt="">
<span class="verificationCode" id="verifyTextCode">[{$oCaptcha->getText()}]</span>
<input type="text" data-fieldsize="verify" name="c_mac" value="" class="js-oxValidate js-oxValidate_notEmpty">
<p class="oxValidateError">
<span class="js-oxError_notEmpty">[{ oxmultilang ident="ERROR_MESSAGE_INPUT_NOTALLFIELDS" }]</span>
Similar modifications have to be performed for the other three files listed above.