This official repository is maintained by the community around the ProductRoom of buildingSMART International. It is used for open communication of ideas, samples and agreements.
System to describe product data templates and product data sheets with IFD and IFC (ISO 16739). This is ongoing work within the working group of buildingSMART International. The repository is open for sharing other samples and discussing related questions.
Please do not use in production yet.
The sample files for BIM product data in this repo should follow this rules and structure:
One folder per sample file as a subfolder in "SampleFiles" e.g. like this
All other related files are store alongside in the this folder.
The sample should be one of the following serialization formats
Format | file ending |
ifcXML | .ifcXML |
Step | .ifc |
Json | .json |
Please be aware, that the file endings are case sentitive.
The file can be also in the compressed form as an ".ifcZIP". (Look here to get an overview of all possible file formats to transport IFC-compliant data.)
Please add a in the folder and describe your sample. Please describe the use case and the specialities of your sample, so that everybody can easily understand your sample.