bower install
curl -sS | php
php composer.phar install
php bin/doctrine orm:schema-tool:create
php -S localhost:8080 -t src/Lw/Infrastructure/Ui/Web/Silex/Public
php bin/console domain:events:spread
php bin/console domain:events:spread <exchange-name>
For the DDD learners, I propose you some exercises to practice your skills.
The default project uses Doctrine and SQLite to persist users, however, we would like to easily change the persistence storage to use Redis. The PRedis dependency is already specified in the composer.json file.
The default project uses Doctrine and SQLite to persist users, however, we would like to easily change the persistence storage to use MongoDB.
The default project, does not log anything. We're interested in logging all DomainEvents into a file, using ad-hoc solutions or Monolog. Create a new Domain Events fired when a user tries to log in. Log also to ElasticSearch.