Python API wrapper library for the NeverBounce email verification service.
$ pip install neverbounce
The only dependency is the requests library.
Sign up to get an API username and key and 1000 free monthly verifications. The free account supports only single verifications.
>>> from neverbounce import NeverBounce
>>> neverbounce = NeverBounce('my_api_username', 'my_api_key')
>>> verified = neverbounce.verify('[email protected]')
>>> print(str(verified))
[email protected]: valid
>>> print(, verified.result_text, verified.result_code, verified.is_valid)
[email protected] valid 0 True
To use this features you need to configure a payment method in NeverBounce account settings.
>>> from neverbounce import NeverBounce
>>> neverbounce = NeverBounce('my_api_username', 'my_api_key')
Create the job and get it's id:
>>> emails = ['[email protected]', '[email protected]']
>>> job_id = neverbounce.create_job(emails).job_id
Periodically check the status of verification job:
>>> job_status = neverbounce.check_job(job_id)
Use the results generator to iterate over verified emails if the job has been completed:
>>> if job_status.is_completed:
... for verified in neverbounce.results(job_id):
... print(, verified.result_text, verified.result_code, verified.is_valid)
[email protected] invalid 1 False
[email protected] invalid 1 False
Get the information about your API account:
>>> from neverbounce import NeverBounce
>>> neverbounce = NeverBounce('my_api_username', 'my_api_key')
>>> account = neverbounce.account()
>>> print(str(account))
Credits: 999, Jobs Completed: 22, Jobs Processing: 0
>>> print(account.credits, account.jobs_completed, account.jobs_processing)
999 22 0