- Destin, Florida
(UTC -06:00) - https://martylouis.com
- @martylouis.com
- @martylouis
martylouis.com Public
Still in progress. This is my personal website, digital garden, and portfolio. Built with Astro, TypeScript, and Tailwind CSS. Hosted on Vercel.
astrowind Public template
Forked from onwidget/astrowind⭕️ AstroWind: A free template using Astro 4.0 and Tailwind CSS. Astro starter theme.
Astro MIT License UpdatedOct 7, 2024 -
raycast-preset-explorer Public
Forked from raycast/preset-explorerEasily browse, share, and add AI Presets to Raycast
nextjs-commerce Public
Forked from vercel/commerceNext.js Commerce
design-system Public
Forked from MaximeHeckel/design-systemMy personal design system
open-color Public
Forked from yeun/open-colorColor scheme for UI design.
stylelint-config Public
Stylelint with Prettier config
email-starter-mjml-gulp-pug Public archive
Simple starter to build email templates with MJML, Gulp & Pug
next-typescript-tailwind-mdx-starter Public
Forked from joelhooks/next-typescript-tailwind-mdx-starterOpinionated Next.js Starter with TypeScript, Tailwind, MDX, and decent SEO
gatsby-blog-demo Public
Typography driven, feature-rich blogging theme with minimal aesthetics. Includes tags/categories support and extensive features for code blocks such as live preview, line numbers, and line highligh…
prism-themes Public
Forked from PrismJS/prism-themesA wider selection of Prism themes
domain-parking-page Public
A simple, pre-designed placeholder for parking domains.
bones Public
Forked from ianmcburnie/bonesAccessible HTML code patterns for common UI widgets such as tabs, menus, dialogs, etc.
wp-tailwindcss-theme-boilerplate Public
Forked from mishterk/wp-tailwindcss-theme-boilerplateA minimalist boilerplate for WordPress theme development using Tailwind CSS, SCSS, and Laravel Mix.
shopify-age-check Public
Forked from carolineschnapp/age-checkModule to add to a Shopify website where content is restricted to adults
susty Public
Forked from jacklenox/susty🌍 A tiny WordPress theme focused on being as sustainable as possible. https://sustywp.com