A simple web benchmark of Go, Rust, Scala and Node.js.
The stats gathered by the hey tool (please run it twice for the JIT optimizations where it's applicable):
sh -c "$GOPATH/bin/hey -n 50000 -c 256 -t 10 ''"
sh -c "$GOPATH/bin/hey -n 50000 -c 256 -t 10 ''"
By default, MacOS has low limits on the number of concurrent connections, so few kernel parameters tweaks may be required:
sudo sysctl -w kern.ipc.somaxconn=12000
sudo sysctl -w kern.maxfilesperproc=1048576
sudo sysctl -w kern.maxfiles=1148576
Hardware: MacBook Pro (CPU: 2.3 GHz Intel Core i7, Mem: 16 GB 1600 MHz DDR3)
Software: Go 1.9, Rust 1.20.0, Scala 2.12.3, Node.js v8.5.0
Results for
Language | Average, secs | Requests/sec |
Go | 0.0041 | 61587 |
Rust | 0.0054 | 46337 |
Scala | 0.0066 | 34157 |
Node.js | 0.0070 | 34202 |
Results for
Language | Average, secs | Requests/sec |
Go | 0.0044 | 57509 |
Rust | 0.0059 | 42767 |
Scala | 0.0055 | 36823 |
Node.js | 0.0064 | 36792 |
Please change the required directory before running the server.
go run main.go
cargo run --release
sbt run
node main.js