A curated list of awesome Remix 💿 packages and resources.
- remix-auth - Simple Authentication for Remix
- remix-utils - A set of utility functions and types to use with Remix.run
- remix-i18next - The easiest way to translate your Remix apps
- remix-seo - A package for easily managing SEO meta and link tags in Remix.
- remix-params-helper - Helpers that make it simple to use Zod with URLSearchParams, FormData, and Remix params object
- remix-tailwind - Use TailwindCSS with Remix without an extra build step
- remix-validated-form - A ValidatedForm component and helpers for easy client and server side form validation.
- remix-themes - An abstraction for themes in your Remix app.
- remix-routes - Typesafe routing for your Remix apps.
- remix-middleware - An express-like middleware system for remix loaders and actions
- remix-crash - Get better insight on why your Remix app crashed during development 💥
- remix-pwa - A package to integrate PWA features into Remix
- superjson-remix - A solution for Remix that allows you to send binary data from your loader to your React client app
- remix-etag - Makes adding an ETag header to a response easy
- domain-functions - Decouple your business logic from your Remix actions and loaders. With first-class type inference from end to end.
- remix-image - A React component for responsive images in Remix.
- remix-forms - Magically create forms + actions in Remix
- @sentry/remix - Error and performance monitoring of your Remix apps with Sentry
- remix-sitemap - Sitemap generator for Remix applications
- remix-auth-webauthn - A Remix Auth strategy for signing in with Web Authentication passkeys.
- blues-stack - The Blues Stack: Deployed to the edge (distributed) with a long-running Node.js server and PostgreSQL database. Intended for large and fast production-grade applications serving millions of users.
- indie-stack - The Indie Stack: Deployed to a long-running Node.js server with a persistent SQLite database. This stack is great for websites with dynamic data that you control (blogs, marketing, content sites). It's also a perfect, low-complexity bootstrap for MVPs, prototypes, and proof-of-concepts that can later be updated to the Blues stack easily.
- grunge-stack - The Grunge Stack: Deployed to a serverless function running Node.js with DynamoDB for persistence. Intended for folks who want to deploy a production-grade application on AWS infrastructure serving millions of users.
- speed-metal-stack - The Remix Blog Stack for deploying to Fly with MDX, SQLite, testing, linting, formatting, etc.
- remix-worker-template - All-in-one Remix Cloudflare worker template with tailwindcss, cypress, eslint and prettier
- remix-edgedb - Remix ft. EdgeDB, Tailwind, Fly, and cookie-based authorization
- kpop-stack - Create a Remix app with Netlify, Tailwind, TypeScript and more!
- supa-fly-stack - The Remix Stack for deploying to Fly with Supabase, authentication, testing, linting, formatting, etc.
- rockspec-stack - A fully configurable & customizable Remix PWA stack.
- dnb-stack - The Remix Stack for deploying to Vercel with testing, linting, formatting, structure and mock for 3rd party API integration.
- azure-remix-stack - A remix stack template for running a remix app on Azure
- remix-chop-suey-stack - Remix+EdgeDB+Tailwind+Fly.io=🖤
- Stripe Stack - A Stripe focused Remix Stack that integrates User Subscriptions, Authentication and Testing. Driven by Prisma ORM. Deploys to Fly.io
- cool-stack - Template repository integrating Remix & Directus into a full-stack monorepo.
- remix-azure-template - Remix app deployed to Azure Functions
- remix-nested-layouts
- remix-tailwind-starter
- remix-on-netlify
- remix-css-modules
- remix-auth-layouts-example
- remix-starter-kit - Remix ft. Supabase(Auth, CRUD, Storage) with other essentials - TailwindCSS, DaisyUI, ESLint, etc.
- remix-edge-kit - Remix ft. Prisma(Railway.app/Planetscale)/FaunaDB/Supabase and other essentials but designed for Cloudflare workers
- kentcdodds.com
- hova-labs-remix
- snkrs
- realworld-remix.run
- camchenry-remix
- sergiodxa/personal-site
- metronome.sh
- sergiodxa/collected-remix
- Interactive Remix Routing
- Remix Ink
- jotyy/remix-portfolio
- Runnable - Low-code admin workflows, built on Remix
- Introducing Remix v1 💿
- CDN Caching, Static Site Generation, and Server Side Rendering
- Document Titles in Remix
- Live with Kent: Building Authentication with Postgres, Prisma, and Remix
- Progressive Enhancement with Remix
- How to Add Nested/Persistent Layouts in Remix
- Introduction to HTTP Caching
- Deploy Remix to Netlify Serverless Functions in less than 3 minutes
- Remix Utah Meetup 2021-12-02
- Remix Tutorial with Kent
- Interview to Michael Jackson at devtools-fm
- Remix Tutorial | Trying out the newest React Framework!
- Remix Run Speedrun - Pokemon
- Remix is a NEW JavaScript framework you MUST try
- Playlist: Build A Fullstack App with Remix, Prisma & MongoDB
- Playlist: Build A Pet Management System With Remix, Prisma, and Postgres
- React Server Components and Remix
- On Rails
- First impressions with Remix
- Loader vs Route Cache Headers in Remix
- The useMatches hook in Remix
- Validating Remix forms with Constraints API
- Test Remix loaders and actions
- Use Fathom with Remix
- Use NProgress in a Remix app
- How Remix makes CSS clashes predictable
- Super Simple Start to Remix
- Use ETags in Remix
- Stable Forms in Remix
- Generating Social Images with Remix
- Building a Simple Search UI with Remix
- Sending data from layout to leaf routes in Remix
- Using Service Workers with Remix
- Localizing Remix apps with i18next
- Adding CSRF protection to Remix
- Load only the data you need in Remix
- Server-Side authentication with Auth0 in Remix
- Using TailwindCSS with Remix
- Jest Matchers for Remix responses
- Using Form Objects inside Remix actions
- Route protection in Remix with Policies
- Redirect to the original URL inside a Remix action
- Why Remix is worth your attention
- Remix for Next.js Developers
- Series: Build A Fullstack App with Remix, Prisma & MongoDB
- Learn how to install Remix with Flowbite and Tailwind CSS