A sample implementation of micro services written in Go with Protocal Buffer, gRPC and grpc-gateway.
inspired by https://github.com/tinrab/spidey
$ dep init
$ docker-compose up --build gateway
open localhost:8000
in your browser.
GET: /item/{id}
POST: /item
- e.g.
$ curl -X POST localhost:8000/item -d '{"name": "glove", "price": 3000}'
- e.g.
GET: /user/{id}
POST: /user
- e.g.
$ curl -X POST localhost:8000/user -d '{"name": "conor"}'
- e.g.
GET: /item/{itemId}/coordinates
POST: /coordinate
- e.g.
$ curl -X POST localhost:8000/coordinate -d '{"userId": 1, "itemIds": [2,3,4]}'
- e.g.