This jQuery plug-in allows the user to easily add filter components to table columns, the plug-in works on top of the DataTables jQuery plug-in.
If you want to ask a question use my google group
If you like my plugin, you can show your appreciation by following me on Twitter / GitHub.
- Support DataTables 1.10.0 - Use yadcf.init(...) for new API (Capital "D")
- Support all data source: DOM, Javascript, Ajax and server-side processing (1.10.0 +)
- Various filter options:
- select input
- multiple selection input
- text input
- autocomplete input - make use of the jQuery UI Autocomplete widget (with some enhancements)
- date input - make use of the jQuery UI Datepicker widget (with some enhancements)
- range of numbers
- range of numbers with slider widget - make use of the jQuery UI Slider widget (with some enhancements)
- range of dates - make use of the jQuery UI Datepicker widget (with some enhancements)
- custom function
- Filters can be placed in the header (thead) or in the footer (tfoot) , second argument of yadcf constructor or third argument of init function
- Parsing various types of columns:
- plain text
- plain text with delimiter
- one or more HTML elements with the ability to extract text / value / id from each HTML element
- Multiple tables support
- CSS support:
- each filter element has got a css style class , so its style can be easily overridden
- Reset button for filter:
- next to each filter a reset button will appear (this button allows the user to reset the filter)
- Filter in use visual notification:
- when a certain filter is being used it will be highlighted (the color of highlight can easily be changed with css)
- Miscellaneous:
- integration with the Chosen / Select2 plugins (for single and multiple select)
- integration with the Datatables ColVis plugin (1.10.0 +)
- filter delay (for text / range_number / range_date filters / range_number_slider)
- predefined data source for filter (array of strings or objects)
- mData support (including deeply nested objects)
- ability to place the filter in an external html element (for example: inside a div element)
- ability to control matching mode of the filter (Possible values: contains / exact / startsWith)
- change the filter's default label (Select value, etc)
- change the filter's reset button text (x, clear etc)
- define how the values in the filter will be sorted
- define the order in which the values in the filter will be sorted
- support all major browser (including IE8)
- define in which date format the date will be parsed and displayed in datepicker widget
- support aoColumns { "bVisible": false }
- support for case sensitive filtering
- External API functions:
- exFilterColumn: Allows to trigger filter/s externally/programmatically (support ALL filter types!!!) , perfect for showing table with pre filtered columns
- exGetColumnFilterVal: Allows to retreive column current filtered value (support ALL filter types!!!)
- Notable datatables API support
- sScrollX / sScrollY / bStateSave / bDeferRender / HTML5 data-* attributes
DOM source with chosen example
DOM source with select2 example
//Old datatable API (lowercase "D")
{column_number : 0},
{column_number : 1, filter_type: "range_number_slider", filter_container_id: "external_filter_container"},
{column_number : 2, data: ["Yes", "No"], filter_default_label: "Select Yes/No"},
{column_number : 3, filter_type: "auto_complete", text_data_delimiter: ","},
{column_number : 4, column_data_type: "html", html_data_type: "text", filter_default_label: "Select tag"}]);
//New datatable API (capital "D")
var myTable = $('#example').DataTable();
yadcf.init(myTable, [
{column_number : 0},
{column_number : 1, filter_type: "range_number_slider", filter_container_id: "external_filter_container"},
{column_number : 2, data: ["Yes", "No"], filter_default_label: "Select Yes/No"},
{column_number : 3, filter_type: "auto_complete", text_data_delimiter: ","},
{column_number : 4, column_data_type: "html", html_data_type: "text", filter_default_label: "Select tag"}]);
All available parameters (detailed explanation inside jquery.dataTables.yadcf.js)
- column_number
- filter_type
- custom_func
- data
- column_data_type
- text_data_delimiter
- html_data_type
- filter_container_id
- filter_default_label
- filter_reset_button_text
- enable_auto_complete
- sort_as
- sort_order
- date_format
- ignore_char
- filter_match_mode
- select_type
- select_type_options
- case_insensitive
- filter_delay
- html5_data
Copyright (c) 2014 Daniel Reznick, released under the MIT license