Lua Version Manager - Managing and switching between different versions of Lua, LuaJIT and Luarocks made easy
🔥 An extremely fast, React-like JavaScript library for building modern user interfaces
PageSpeed Insights Reporting for Node
Mailchimp Open Commerce is an API-first, headless commerce platform built using Node.js, React, GraphQL. Deployed via Docker and Kubernetes.
A simple CLI tool for ensuring that a given script runs continuously (i.e. forever)
Make it a fun to create spec for developers and teammates
Transform your icons with trendy animations.
Lightning fast code searching made easy
Drop-in Rails engine for accepting payments with Stripe
a code metric tool for rails projects
A jQuery plugin to select multiple elements with checkboxes :)
Database migrations for PHP ala ActiveRecord Migrations with support for MySQL, Postgres, SQLite
Redmine plugin that expose global roadmaps for the user's projects.
mashit / JSON-js
Forked from douglascrockford/JSON-jsJSON in JavaScript
JavaScript Data Grid / Data Table with a Spreadsheet Look & Feel. Works with React, Angular, and Vue. Supported by the Handsontable team ⚡