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Command Overview

Saadat edited this page Dec 28, 2019 · 2 revisions

We will shortly cover (with examples) how you can trigger and use wpkg to its fullest extent.

A few quick sidenotes:

  • ANY Build action will require the destination folder to at least have a control file
    • Hot-Tip! In case you feel lazy, just use the --theme trigger to let wpkg create you a skeleton control file
  • The output .deb file's filename retains the control field Package's value
  • ANY Extraction omits the debian-binary file, creates respective directories for the control- and data tarball and extracts the content respectively

Building debian archives

There are two ways to trigger wpkg's buildsystem:

  • wpkg -b <Path> : This will create a .deb file in the specified directory
    • Example: wpkg -b c:\MyAwsomeTweak with Package: de.saadat.sample in its control file => This will build de.saadat.sample.deb in C:\MyAwsomeTweak
  • wpkg -b : This will try to build in the folder you are in currently
    • Example: You are inside C:\MyAwsomeTweak and you'd like to build your project => Simply call wpkg -b and it'll build de.saadat.sample.deb

Extracting debian archives

There are three ways to extract with wpkg:

  • wpkg -x <PathToDeb> <DestFolder> : This will validate if the specified .deb exists at the given path and extract it to the given destination (if it exists)
    • Example: wpkg -x c:\MyAwsomeTweak\de.saadat.tweak.deb c:\MyDebSources => This will extract the content of the archive to C:\MyDebSources
  • wpkg -x <PathToDeb> : This will validate if the specified .deb exists at the given path and extract it in the same path
    • Example: wpkg -x c:\MyAwsomeTweak\de.saadat.tweak.deb => This will extract the conten of the .deb inside C:\MyAwsomeTweak
  • wpkg -x <DebFile> : This is intended (similar to the Builder's -b) for local extraction; It'll check if the .deb exists in the current directory and if it does, it'll extract it's content
    • Example: wpkg -x de.saadat.sample.deb => This will extract the .deb inside the current directory


Some extra switches are implemented and I do intend to keep this open for improvement!

  • wpkg --theme <Name> : This will create an empty base structure for an iOS Theme
  • wpkg -h : Show the internal helptext, which is similar to this lmao
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