A command line tool for recording and restoring Windows display configurations
- You have a Windows 8/10 PC with a couple of monitors / flatscreen TVs attached
- You are not always using all of your monitors, instead you like to switch between different display configurations
This tool is quite minimalistic.
- Use the Windows display settings dialog to configure your monitors to your liking
- Run
DisplayMan.exe --save MyDisplayConfigA.xml
on the command line - Configure your monitors in another way
- Run
DisplayMan.exe --save MyDisplayConfigB.xml
Now you have two recorded configurations and you can toggle between them
- Run
DisplayMan.exe --load MyDisplayConfigB.xml
- Run
DisplayMan.exe --load MyDisplayConfigA.xml
It is a good idea to create links (shortcuts) for the different configurations, with nice icons, of course. You can place these links on the desktop or in a toolbar inside the taskbar.
Mastersign DisplayManager
Version: 1.1.0
With no arguments: Show the current display configuration.
DisplayMan <file path>
With one file path as the only argument:
Load display configuration from XML file persistently.
DisplayMan [<options>]*
With one or more options: See descriptions below.
-h, --help, -?, /?
Does print this help text. Ignores all other options.
-v, --version
Prints version information. Ignores all other options.
-i, --info, --show-config
Show the current display configuration.
-s, --save, --record <target file>
Write the current display configuration to an XML file.
-l, --load, --restore <source file>
Loads the display configuration from the specified XML file.
If this option is used, the --reset option is ignored.
By default, the configuration is loaded temporarily.
-p, --persistent
If loading a display configuration, makes the new configuration
-r, --reset
Resets the display configuration to the last persistent state.
Can be used to switch back after loading a display configuration
A good combination also, is to run DisplayMan.exe
with AutoHotkey.
As a preparation, you need to place a copy of the AutoHotkey executable,
named hotkeys.exe
, in the same folder as DisplayMan.exe
Then create a AutoHotkey script, named hotkeys.ahk
, besides hotkeys.ahk
What is important, is that the script file has the same name as the executable.
This way you can just start hotkeys.exe
and it will find the AHK script
by itself.
To switch to C:\Users\Me\Documents\MyDisplayConfigA.xml
by pressing Win
+ Ctrl
+ A
you can use the following script (for AutoHotkey version 1.1) as a starting point:
SendMode Input
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%
run, "%A_ScriptDir%\DisplayMan.exe" --load "%configFile%", %A_ScriptDir%, Min
Now place a link (shortcut) for hotkeys.exe
in your startmenus autorun folder,
and you can use the hotkey(s) even after a reboot.
This tool makes use of the Windows API for Connecting and Configuring Displays.
This API is available since Windows 7.
It only uses the methods
, GetDisplayConfigBufferSize
and SetDisplayConfig
in the User32.dll
It does nothing more then to query the current configuration
and store it with the .NET XML serialization into a file.
For restore, it just loads the configuration with .NET XML deserializaton and passes them to the Windows API.
After spending quite some time with the older API (EnumDisplayDevices
, ChangeDisplaySettings
, ...)
I finally found the question
of Erti-Chris Eelmaa
with the answer from Stephen Martin
and edits from Lennart and
David Heffernan
on StackOverflow.
The rest was easy. Thanks a lot guys, you saved my day!
This project is released under the MIT license.
Copyright © by Tobias Kiertscher [email protected].