This is an ansible role. This role will build alma8, alma9, centos9-Stream, debian12, rocky 8, rocky9, ubuntu 20, ubuntu 22, ubuntu 24, opensuse tumbleweed incus images by packer.
This images will have:
- an pre-defined user installed,
- sudo right to that user,
- add public key of that user in ssh folder,
- and ssh service running.
Add this role with your image builder server.
cat incus-image.yml
- hosts: images
become: yes
gather_facts: true
- ansible-role-packer-incus
For example:
masum@masum:~$ sudo incus image list
| alma8-packer | cc974abbfc9c | no | incus alma8 repackage with Packer | aarch64 | CONTAINER | 222.55MiB | 2024/06/06 14:17 UTC |
| alma9-packer | 5e369db8c197 | no | incus alma9 repackage with Packer | aarch64 | CONTAINER | 169.00MiB | 2024/06/06 14:19 UTC |
| centos9-packer | f26a68db6052 | no | incus centos 9-stream repackage with Packer | aarch64 | CONTAINER | 191.58MiB | 2024/11/02 16:03 UTC |
| debian12-packer | c8c6d3cbe8a5 | no | incus debian12 repackage with Packer | aarch64 | CONTAINER | 144.88MiB | 2024/11/02 16:22 UTC |
| opensuse-packer | 20a055080f6d | no | incus opensuse repackage with Packer | aarch64 | CONTAINER | 104.58MiB | 2024/06/06 14:27 UTC |
| rocky8-packer | e80e413111c0 | no | incus rocky 8 repackage with Packer | aarch64 | CONTAINER | 223.09MiB | 2024/06/07 22:10 UTC |
| rocky9-packer | 4d668a992809 | no | incus rocky 9 repackage with Packer | aarch64 | CONTAINER | 164.42MiB | 2024/06/07 22:12 UTC |
| ubu20-packer | 9f2cfcb2231a | no | incus ubuntu 20 repackage with Packer | aarch64 | CONTAINER | 178.59MiB | 2024/06/06 14:32 UTC |
| ubu22-packer | 790c1eeeb704 | no | incus ubuntu 22 repackage with Packer | aarch64 | CONTAINER | 190.84MiB | 2024/06/06 15:03 UTC |
| ubu24-packer | 270d829dccdb | no | incus ubuntu 24 repackage with Packer | aarch64 | CONTAINER | 194.81MiB | 2024/06/06 16:47 UTC |
If want to remove untitled, unaliased images
ansible-playbook -i inventories/hosts incus-image.yml -e "clean_untitled_images=true"
khabir uddin [email protected]