RxBluetoothKit is an Bluetooth library that makes interaction with BLE devices much more pleasant. It's backed by RxSwift and CoreBluetooth. Provides nice API to work with, and makes your code more readable, reliable and easier to maintain.
- 3.0 version supports Swift 3.0 and 3.1 *
- 4.0.0-alpha.1 version of the library supports Swift 3.2 and 4.0. Since it's an alpha it may contain breaking changes in future releases. *
For support head to StackOverflow, or open an issue on GitHub.
Read the official announcement at Polidea Blog.
- CBCentralManger RxSwift support
- CBPeripheral RxSwift support
- Scan sharing
- Scan queueing
- Bluetooth error bubbling
- Documentation
In Example folder you can find application we've provided to you. It's a great place to dig in, once you want to see everything in action. App provides most of the common usages of RxBluetoothKit.
CocoaPods is a dependency manager for CocoaProjects.
To integrate RxBluetoothKit into your Xcode project using CocoaPods specify it in your Podfile
pod 'RxBluetoothKit'
Then, run following command:
$ pod install
Carthage is a decentralized dependency manager that builds your dependencies and provides you with binary frameworks.
To integrate RxBluetoothKit into your Xcode project using Carthage specify it in your Cartfile
github "Polidea/RxBluetoothKit"
Then, run carthage update
to build framework and drag RxBluetoothKit.framework
into your Xcode project.
Library is built on top of Apple's CoreBluetooth. It has multiple components, that should be familiar to you:
- BluetoothManager
- ScannedPeripheral
- Peripheral
- Service
- Characteristic
- Descriptor
Every one of them is backed by it's CB counterpart hidden behind layer of abstraction. We've chosen this architecture, because we believe in testing.
To begin work you should create an instance of BluetoothManager. Doing it is really easy - all you need to specify is queue(main queue is used by default):
let manager = BluetoothManager(queue: .main)
You are responsible for maintaining instance of manager object, and passing it between parts of your app. Note: All operations are executed in queue which you have provided, so make sure to observe UI related effects in main thread when it's needed.
To start any interaction, with bluetooth devices, you have to first scan some of them. So - get ready!
manager.scanForPeripherals(withServices: [serviceIds])
.flatMap { scannedPeripheral in
let advertisement = scannedPeripheral.advertisement
This is the simplest version of this operation. After subscription to observable, scan is performed infinitely. What you receive from method is ScannedPeripheral
instance, that provides access to following information:
- Peripheral: object that you can use, to perform actions like connecting, discovering services etc.
- AdvertisementData: strongly typed wrapper around CBPeripheral advertisement data dictionary.. Thanks to it, you no longer have to worry about all of the keys needed to pull out information.
By default scanning operation is not cancelled. It's the user's responsibility to do that in situations where scanning in not needed anymore. Fortunately, this is also really easy to do, thanks to awesome RxSwift operators.
manager.scanForPeripherals(withServices: [serviceIds]).take(1)
//Doing this, after first received result, scan is immediately cancelled.
Ok, that's fun, but what if you also want to apply timeout policy? That's also easy to do:
manager.scanForPeripherals(withServices: [serviceIds]).timeout(3.0, timerScheduler)
As you can see: thanks to all available RxSwift operators, in a simple way you might create really interesting and complex usage scenarios, like for example retrying scans, if you receive timeout.
In a following scenario: just after app launch, you want to perform scans. But, there are some problems with this approach - in order to perform work with bluetooth, you're manager should be in .poweredOn state. Specially for this case, our library provides you with another observable, that you should use for monitoring state.
let stateObservable = manager.rx_state
After subscribe, this observable will immediately emit next event with current value of BluetoothManager state, and later will fire every time state changes. You could easily chain it with operation you want to perform after changing to proper state. Let's see how it looks with scanning:
.filter { $0 == .poweredOn }
.timeout(3.0, scheduler)
.flatMap { manager.scanForPeripherals(withServices: [serviceId]) }
Firstly, filter .poweredOn from states stream. Like above, we want to apply timeout policy to state changes. Also, we use take to be sure, that after getting .PoweredOn state, nothing else ever will be emitted by the observable.
In last flatMap
operation bluetooth is ready to perform further operations.
After receiving scanned peripheral, to do something with it, we need to first call connect. It's really straightforward: just flatMap result into another Observable!
manager.scanForPeripherals(withServices: [serviceId]).take(1)
.flatMap { $0.peripheral.connect() }
.subscribe(onNext: { peripheral in
print("Connected to: \(peripheral)")
After connecting, the most common task is to discover Services.
Because all of wanted services are discovered at once, method returns Observable<[Service]>
. In order to make it into Observable<Service>
and fire for each of service discovered, we advice you to use our RxSwift operator Observable.from()
Here's how it works in RxBluetoothKit:
.flatMap { $0.discoverServices([serviceId]) }
.flatMap { Observable.from($0) }
.subscribe(onNext: { service in
print("Discovered service: \(service)")
Discovering characteristics method is very similar to discoverServices.
This time API's returning Observable<[Characteristic]>
and to process one
characteristic at a time, you need to once again use Observable.from()
.flatMap { $0.discoverServices([serviceId]) }
.flatMap { Observable.from($0) }
.flatMap { $0.discoverCharacteristics([characteristicId])}
.flatMap { Observable.from($0) }
.subscribe(onNext: { characteristic in
print("Discovered characteristic: \(characteristic)")
Once you've got characteristic, next common step is to read value from it.
In order to do that, you should use readValue()
function defined on Characteristic
. It returns Observable<Characteristic>
which emits element, when value of characteristic is ready to read.
We decided to return Characteristic
instead of NSData
due to one purpose - to allow you chain operations on characteristic in easy way.
.flatMap { $0.discoverServices([serviceId]) }
.flatMap { Observable.from($0) }
.flatMap { $0.discoverCharacteristics([characteristicId])}
.flatMap { Observable.from($0) }
.flatMap { $0.readValue() }
.subscribe(onNext: {
let data = $0.value
Notifying on characteristic value changes? Nothing easier. After subscribing observable returned by this method, you will get proper message every single time:
.subscribe(onNext: {
let newValue = $0.value
If you are not interested anymore in updates, just use this:
.subscribe(onNext: { characteristic in
//Notification are now disabled.
While deciding to write to characteristic you have two writing options, that determine write behavior:
- WithResponse
- WithoutResponse
Choosing withResponse
, you're waiting to receive .next event on Observable while device has confirmed that value has been written to it. Also, if any error has ocurred - you will receive .error
on Observable.
On the other hand - if you decided to go with withoutResponse
- you're receiving Characteristic just after write command has been called. Also, no errors will be emitted.
Let's jump over to the code:
characteristic.writeValue(data, type: .withResponse)
.subscribe { event in
//respond to errors / successful read
In order to enable even easier interaction with RxBluetooth, we've provided custom protocols we advice you to implement.
Thats ServiceIdentifier
, CharacteristicIdentifier
and DescriptorIdentifier
. Most of the time you're writing Bluetooth code to communicate with specific device, while knowing its specification like services and characteristic. Thats exactly the case, where you should implement these protocols. Sample implementation might look like:
enum DeviceCharacteristic: String, CharacteristicIdentifier {
case manufacturerName = "2A29"
var uuid: CBUUID {
return CBUUID(string: self.rawValue)
//Service to which characteristic belongs
var service: ServiceIdentifier {
switch self {
case .ManufacturerName:
return XXXService.DeviceInformation
enum DeviceService: String, ServiceIdentifier {
case deviceInformation = "180A"
var uuid: CBUUID {
return CBUUID(string: self.rawValue)
After implementing these types, whole set of new new methods is becoming available. Earlier implementation of reading from characteristic looked like that:
.flatMap { Observable.from($0.discoverServices([serviceId])) }
.flatMap { Observable.from($0.discoverCharacteristics([characteristicId])}
.flatMap { $0.readValue }
.subscribe(onNext: {
let data = $0.value
When you use new CharacteristicIdentifier
protocol, you could do it way simpler:
.flatMap { $0.readValue(for: DeviceCharacteristic.manufacturerName)
.subscribe(onNext: {
let data = $0.value
Set of methods that are taking instances conforming CharacteristicIdentifier
or DescriptorIdentifier
does all of the heavy lifting like discovering services, characteristics and descriptors for you. Moreover, in order to optimise - when one of these is available in cache, discovery is not called at all.
We really encourage you to use these versions of methods in order to make your code even shorter and cleaner.
Here you'll find other useful functionalities of library
By giving proper identifier to BluetoothManager
in constructor(options
property), you can achieve state restoration functionality. Later, just make sure to subscribe to listenOnRestoredState
observable, and inspect RestoredState
instance, which consists any useful info about restored state.
Used earlier rx_state
is very useful function on BluetoothManager
. While subscribed, it emits next
immediately with current BluetoothState
After that, it emits new element after state changes.
Property rx_isConnected
on Peripheral
instance allows monitoring for changes in Peripheral connection state. Immediately after subscribtion .next
with current state is emitted. After that, it emits new element after connection state changes.
also lets to retrieve peripherals in two ways:
- via its identifier using array of
objects, - connected ones via services identifiers using array of
objects. In both cases, return type isObservable<[Peripheral]>
, which emits .Next, and after that immediately .Complete is received.
Connection can be cancelled - just use cancelConnection
method on Peripheral
, or BluetoothManager
Emits next, while disconnection confirmation is received.
Triggers read of Peripheral RSSI value. To do it, call readRSSI()
on Peripheral instance.
Method returns Observable<Peripheral, Int>
. Peripheral is returned in order to enable chaining.
When you want to know, when services are modified, call monitorServicesModification() -> Observable<(Peripheral, [Service])>
on Peripheral. Next event is generated each time, when service changes.
Call monitorNameUpdate() -> Observable<(Peripheral, String?)>
in order to know, when peripheral changes its name.
By calling monitorWrite(for: characteristic: Characteristic) -> Observable<Characteristic>
you're able to receive event each time, when value is being written to characteristic.
Library supports scan sharing, which helps if you want to perform multiple scans at once in your application. Thanks to that, if you want to perform scan B, while scan A is in progress, if your identifiers used to start scan B are subset of identifiers used by scan A - scan is shared. Also, thanks to queueing, if it's not subset - it'll be queued until scan A will be stopped.
Library supports complex Bluetooth error handling functionalities. Errors from Bluetooth delegate methods are propagated into all of the API calls. So for example - if during services discovery bluetooth state changes to .poweredOff
, proper error containing this information will be propagated into discoverServices
- iOS 8.0+
- OSX 10.10+
- Xcode 7.3+
- Przemysław Lenart, [email protected]~
- Kacper Harasim, [email protected]
If you would like to contribute code you can do so through GitHub by forking the repository and sending a pull request.
To keep code in order, we advice you to use SwiftLint. In repository, we provide configured .swiftlint.yml
file, that matches our criteria of clean and "Swifty" code.
Maciek Oczko ([email protected])
RxBluetoothKit is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.