Python library for Xiaomi Mijia LYWSD03MMC sensors
Python library for making 3D plots with blender
Visual Studio Code debugging support for Qt QML language
An implementation of Davies & Böck's beat-tracking temporal convolutional network
Realistic gramophone noise synthesis using a diffusion model
A fast single-producer, single-consumer lock-free queue for C++
Introduction to Mathematical Computing with Python and Jupyter
A fantasy map generator based on Martin O'Leary's "Generating fantasy map" notes
A Gantt Chart (Calendar) for Org Mode
A machine learning-based video super resolution and frame interpolation framework. Est. Hack the Valley II, 2018.
Popsicle aims to bridge the JUCE c++ framework to python.
DIY Instructions for Building a Lisperati1000 Computer
A list of open source audio software projects (Apps, Plugins and Libraries). Please contribute more links or open source your own plugins.
Flexible general-purpose audio compressor with a touch of citrus
a cython-based loader for VST audio plugins proving a clean python object-oriented interface
A GUI-less DAW (Digital Audio Workstation) for producing electronic music using python
Details for building a USB keyboard and touchpad controller from an old laptop.
TeleFrame - a digital picture frame for telegram
Read the values of the Xiaomi Mi Bluetooth Temperature sensor 2 including custom encrypted format.