(Soon to graduate) Software Engineering Student at Polytechnique Montréal 🇨🇦 and Content Creator, who loves design.
As of 2024, I'm actively learning and improving my skills in web development and web design. I currently focus on :
- Building real world full-stack apps that offer great user experience,
- Leveraging React, mostly Next.js + Tailwind, PlanetScale Data and Prisma,
- Developing my UX/UI Knowledge, as well as in SEO, Accessibility and Product Management,
- Making my code cleaner, more readable and reusable,
- Building my own homelab setup and playing with Docker, Proxmox and VPN stuff,
- Diving into Obsidian and learning how to learn in public,
- Investigating the mysteries of the universe 🔭
Curious on what I'm specifically learning or building lately? Check out my wehsite.
Jerry is the first iteration of my personal website, built with Next.js, Tailwind, HygraphCMS and Apollo. On it, I share lifestyle, web development and overall learning updates.
Official website of Radio Sud Est, a local radio based in Martinique, France allowing its users to listen to music and read news. Designed and developed by Mathieu Céraline with Next.js, Tailwind and Planet Scale Data.
- I do have some other projects, currently archived or under NDA. Feel free to contact me if you're curious about what I can do ✨
👋🏾 I'm currently actievely looking for Work opportunities, as well as any opportunity to further my knowledge and work collaboratively on great projects. If you would like me in your team, feel free to reach out!