Index scraper is a python program designed to scrape the webpage (Croatian news portal) and e-mail the user each time a new headline in the selected section (news, sports and lifestyle) is published. The recieved e-mail contains the headline and the link to the article.
Why would somebody want something like that is beyond me, but it was good for practice.
I needed a project to learn web scraping and this seemed like a good one. I could test different libraries, use of Regex and (not implemented at the time of writing this readme) managing databases with SQLite.
The main modules are Requests HTML and Imbox, but you can install all of the dependencies using
pip install -r requirements.txt
Use the github clone feature
git clone
For the next step it would be best if you had a new gmail account set up for the bot, for security reasons.
Change the sender_e-mail to the bot account you created and the reciever_email to your e-mail
# e-mail info for the bot
sender_email = "[email protected]"
receiver_email = "[email protected]"
Change the categories list variable to your liking - you can select up to 3 categories with 0 being news, 1 being sports and 2 being lifestyle. Don't try other numbers because I didn't catch the IndexError :D
# select the categories on the page - 0 is news, 1 is sports and 2 is lifestyle (for example [0, 2] for news and lifestyle)
categories = [0]
After you start the script, you will begin to receive e-mails. You can change the timeout between searches by editing the time.sleep(30)
found at the end of main.
If you have an idea or a improvement I would be happy to cooperate. Pull requests or mail, both is fine.