is a tiny program to view, create, update and delete Google Calendar events.
go 1.9.X or higher is required. See here for installation instructions and platform installers.
- Make sure to set your GOPATH in your env, .bashrc or .bash_profile file. If you have not yet set it, you can do so like this:
cat << ! >> ~/.bashrc
> export GOPATH=\$HOME/gopath
> export PATH=\$GOPATH:\$GOPATH/bin:\$PATH
> !
source ~/.bashrc # To reload the settings and get the newly set ones # Or open a fresh terminal
To install from the latest source, run:
go get -u github.com/mattb2401/gcalendar
First setup your application credentials from Google console by creating a .env file with the following details
"project_id":"<project ID provided by Google>",
"client_id":"<client ID provided by Google>",
"client_secret":"client secret provided by Google>",
To initialize the application
gcalendar init
To view a list of events in your calendar
gcalendar all
To view a list of events in your calendar for a particular date
gcalendar all -d <date forexample "2019-06-03">
To view a list of events in your calendar for today or tomorrow
gcalendar all -d today
gcalendar all -d tomorrow
- Work on test scenarios :) Never worked on them
- Work on editing events
- Work on timezone issue when creating events on the calendar
To contribute just do a clone and when you are done just do a merge request.