This plugin was created to minimize javascript logic in the html code when dealing with front-end validation of form data.
Live example can be viewed here
Usage example
<form action="" onsubmit="return $(this).validate()">
Name (4 characters minimum):
<input name="user" data-validation="validate_min_length length4" />
Birthdate (yyyy-mm-dd):
<input name="birth" data-validation="validate_birthdate" />
<input name="website" data-validation="validate_url" />
<input type="submit" />
validate_date — yyyy-mm-dd (format can be customized, more information below)
validate_birthdate — yyyy-mm-dd, not allowing dates in the future or dates that is older then 122 years (format can be customized, more information below)
validate_time — hh:mm
validate_domain —
validate_phone — atleast 7 digits only one hyphen and plus allowed
validate_swemob — validate that the value is a swedish mobile telephone number
validate_length — Validate that input length is in given range (length3-20)
validate_swesec - validate swedish social security number
required — no validation except that a value has to be given
validate_custom - *Validate value against regexp (validate_custom regexp/^[a-z]{2} [0-9]{2}$/)
Show help information automatically when input is focused
Validate given values immediately when input is blurred.
It is now possible to show that the value of an input is incorrect immediately when the input gets blurred.
<form action="" onsubmit="return $(this).validate();" id="my_form">
<input type="text" name="website" data-validation="validate_url" />
Since version 1.1 it is possible to display help information for each input. The information will fade in when input is focused and fade out when input is blurred.
<form action="" onsubmit="return $(this).validate();" id="my_form">
<strong>Why not:</strong>
<textarea name="why" data-help="Please give us some more information" data-validation="required"></textarea>
var myConf = {
// Name of element attribute holding the validation rules (default is data-validation)
validationRuleAttribute : 'class',
// Names of inputs not to be validated even though the element attribute containing
// the validation rules tells us to
ignore : ['som-name', 'other-name'],
// Class that will be put on elements which value is invalid (default is 'error')
errorElementClass : 'error',
// Border color of elements which value is invalid, empty string to leave border
// color as it is
borderColorOnError : '#FFF',
// Class of div container showing error messages (defualt is 'error_message')
errorMessageClass : 'error_message',
// Position of error messages. Set the value to "top" if you want the error messages
// to be displayed in the top of the form. Otherwise you can set the value to
// "element", each error message will then be displayed beside the input field that
// it is refering to (default is 'top')
errorMessagePosition : 'element',
// Date format used when validating dates and birthdate. (default is yyyy-mm-dd)
dateFormat : 'dd/mm/yyyy',
// Window automatically scrolls to the top of the form when submitted data is
// invalid (default is true)
scrollToTopOnError : false
var myLang = {
errorTitle : 'Något gick fel',
requiredFields : 'Du fyllde inte i alla fält markerade med *'
.validateOnBlur(myLang, myConf)
.submit(function() {
return $(this).validate(myLang, myConf);
All error dialogs can be overwritten by passing an object into the validation function.
var jQueryFormLang = {
errorTitle : 'Form submission failed!',
requiredFields : 'You have not answered all required fields',
badTime : 'You have not given a correct time',
badEmail : 'You have not given a correct e-mail address',
badTelephone : 'You have not given a correct phone number',
badSecurityAnswer : 'You have not given a correct answer to the security question',
badDate : 'You have not given a correct date',
toLongStart : 'You have given an answer longer than ',
toLongEnd : ' characters',
toShortStart : 'You have given an answer shorter than ',
toShortEnd : ' characters',
badLength : 'You have to give an answer between ',
notConfirmed : 'Values could not be confirmed',
badDomain : 'Incorrect domain value',
badUrl : 'Incorrect url value',
badFloat : 'Incorrect float value',
badCustomVal : 'You gave an incorrect answer',
badInt : 'Incorrect integer value',
badSecurityNumber : 'Your social security number was incorrect',
badUKVatAnswer : 'Incorrect UK VAT Number'
<script src="scripts/jquery.formvalidator.min.js"></script>
<script src="scripts/locale.en.js"></script>
<form action="script.php" onsubmit="return $(this).validate(jQueryFormLang);">
if( isset($_POST['captcha']) && isset($_SESSION['captcha'])) {
if($_POST['captcha'] != ($_SESSION['captcha'][0]+$_SESSION['captcha'][1]))
die('Invalid captcha answer'); // client does not have javascript enabled
$_SESSION['captcha'] = array( mt_rand(0,9), mt_rand(1, 9) );
<form action="" onsubmit="return $(this).validate();">
What is the sum of <?=$_SESSION['captcha'][0]?> + <?=$_SESSION['captcha'][1]?>? (security question)
<input name="captcha" data-validation="validate_spamcheck captcha<?=( $_SESSION['capthca'][0] + $_SESSION['captcha'][1] )?>"
<p><input type="submit" /></p>
History (<span id="maxlength">50</span> characters left)
<textarea rows="3" id="area"></textarea>
<script type="text/javascript">
<p>Password: <input type="password" name="pass" data-validation="validate_confirmation" /></p>
<p>Confirm password: <input type="password" name="pass_confirmation" /></p>