Welcome to Tree, a Swift package implementing a hierarchical tree structure constructed of interconnected nodes.
Tree's store a value associated with each node. This can be any identifiable type. The identifier is used for tracking the identity of a node within the tree.
Building a tree is simple; you create a root node and add child nodes.
// Create a root node.
let root = Node("root")
// Create two nodes as children of the root node.
let A = root.append(child: "A")
let B = root.append(child: "B")
// Create some leaf nodes as children of node A.
let C = A.append(child: "C")
let D = A.append(child: "D")
Building a tree is even easier with the declarative tree builder.
let root = Root("root") {
Branch("A") {
The tree can then be enumerated of inspected for properties.
// "true"
// "false"
if let A = root.node(identifiedBy: "A") {
print(A.reduce("") {
$0 + "\($1.element), "
// "C, D, "
For more information on usage, the Tree documentation can be found at: https://mattcox.github.io/Tree/.
Tree is distributed using the Swift Package Manager. To install it within another Swift package, add it as a dependency within your Package.swift
let package = Package(
// . . .
dependencies: [
.package(url: "https://github.com/mattcox/Tree.git", branch: "main")
// . . .
If you’d like to use Tree within an iOS, macOS, watchOS or tvOS app, then use Xcode’s File > Add Packages...
menu command to add it to your project.
Import Tree wherever you’d like to use it:
import Tree