routines/binaries of the FRIDA code.
The FRIDA (FRee-boundary Integro-Differential Axisimmetric) code expoits a coupled Finite Element Method – Boundary Element Method (FEM-BEM) approach for the solution of the free-boundary axi-symmetric plasma equilibrium problem (i.e., the Grad-Shafranov equation).
A list of compatible compilers can be found at these links (Windows, Linux, Mac). Some functions are written in Fortran 90 and compiled into Matlab-compatible mex functions, and some native Matlab functions are traislated into mex functions using a C++ compiler, thus both compilers need to be installed to properly compile all the routines. However, the instuctions for Fortran and C++ code are kept separate, to ease things for who want to use only one of them.
To compile Fortran 90 code run this_script.m
To compile some native matlab functions into C++ mex funcitons run that_script.m
Please cite the following papers:
title={A coupled FEM-BEM approach for the solution of the free-boundary axi-symmetric plasma equilibrium problem},
author={Bonotto, M and Abate, D and Bettini, P and Villone, F and others},
journal={Commun. Comput. Phys.},
title={Efficient Numerical Solution of Coupled Axisymmetric Plasma Equilibrium and Eddy Current Problems},
author={Bonotto, Matteo and Abate, Domenico and Bettini, Paolo and Iaiunese, Antonio and Isernia, Nicola and Villone, Fabio},
journal={IEEE Access},