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Coq development for secure translation validation

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Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Short guide to the Coq mechanization
  3. "Pencil and paper" omitted formalizations
    1. Backtranslation of target contexts into source ones
      1. Context backtranslation
      2. Declaration backtranslation
      3. Basic-blocks backtranslation
      4. Command backtranslation
      5. Jump/call backtranslation
    2. Compiler
      1. Compiling partial programs
      2. Compiling function defs
      3. Compiling expressions
    3. Proofs for the analyses
      1. Source analysis
      2. Target analysis
  4. References


This file serves as an index for our Coq mechanization and includes the parts that were omitted from the Coq mechanization.

Short guide to the Coq mechanization

  • The complete mechanization of the formal framework presented in Section IV is in the file Framework.v

  • The case study is splitted among the following files in the example folder:

    • Common.v includes some domains common to all languages as well as the definition of our observables (denoted as Σ in the paper)
    • Src.v and ASrc.v include the mechanization of the source language presented in the paper (μC) and its abstract version
    • Similarly, Trg.v and ATrg.v implement the target language presented in the paper (μA) and its abstract version (history expressions)
    • In CaseStudy.v we bring everything together and
      • Specialize the framework of Framework.v to the specific case of call/return observables and the above languages
      • The source analysis is defined trivially starting from the concrete and abstract source languages
      • Also, the target analysis (a type and effect system) is implemented in [TrgAnalysis.v] and shown to adhere to our framework
      • Statements of our pencil and paper proofs are reported (see below for the actual proofs)
  • The mechanization works with Coq 8.11.1. Checking it is just a matter of launching

    make clean; make all

    in the root directory of the material.

"Pencil and paper" omitted formalizations

Backtranslation of target contexts into source ones

As said in the paper we backtranslate a target context into a source one that simulates the execution of the target code. For that, we use a regᵤ buffer (storing registers of compartment u) and a mem buffer (storing memory values, globally). For simplicity we assume them to be declared beforehand and we let mem to be a global buffer (though no global buffers are admitted in μC we can simulate them using a compartment acting as a manager).

Also, let

  1. btd ( d* ) ≜ btd (d1) … btd (dn) if d* = d1 ... dn
  2. btb ( b* ) ≜ btb (b1) … btb (bn) if b* = b1 ... bn
  3. btc ( c* ) ≜ btc (c1) ;; btc (cn) if c* = c1 ... cn

Note the backtranslation is performed statically, thus all recursive calls to backtranslation function(s) will not be present in the actual backtranslated context.

Context backtranslation

  • btC ( u : i { d* } C ) ≜ comp u : i { btᵘd ( d* ) } btC (C)
  • btC ( · ) ≜ ·

Declaration backtranslation

  • btᵘd ( define f { b* } ) ≜ fun f { regᵤ[com] := arg[0]; u.f#entry (0) } btu,fb (b*)

  • Note that we setup the parameter as expected by target code (i.e., in the com register, assumed to be a fixed constant known beforehand).

Basic-blocks backtranslation

  • btu,fb ( ℓ: c* j ) ≜ fun f#ℓ { btᵘc (c*) ; btu,fj (j) }

  • The idea is that each label (entry included) is backtranslated to an "ancillary" function, that will be called upon jumps

Command backtranslation

  • btᵘc (nop) ≜ 42 // Any value will do
  • btᵘc (const v r) ≜ regᵤ[r] := v
  • btᵘc (mov rs rd) ≜ regᵤ[rd] := regᵤ[rs]
  • btᵘc (ld rs rd) ≜ regᵤ[rd] := mem[regᵤ[rs]]
  • btᵘc (st rs rd) ≜ mem[regᵤ[rd]] := regᵤ[rs]
  • btᵘc (op r1 r2 rd) ≜ regᵤ[rd] := regᵤ[r1] op regᵤ[r2]

Jump/call backtranslation

  • btu,fj (halt) ≜ halt
  • btu,fj (bnz r ℓ1 ℓ2) ≜ if regᵤ[r] then u.f#ℓ1 (0) else u.f#ℓ2 (0)
  • btu,fj (jmp ℓ) ≜ u.f#ℓ (0)
  • btu,fj (call u'.f' ℓr) ≜ u'.f' (regᵤ[com]); u.f#ℓr (0)
  • btu,fj (ret) ≜ arg[0] := regᵤ[com]


  • bnz and jmp are backtranslated to (conditional) calls to "ancillary" functions inside the module itself: this works since target-level jumps are just intra-function and intra module (see semantics of jumps in Trg.v)
  • The call parameters for bnz and jmp backtranslations are dummy and not used since we are not calling the function itself and thus we do not setup the regᵤ[com] buffer entry
  • The ret instruction is dual to the function declaration backtranslation, thus we need to move the return value to arg[0] (as expected by the source language semantics).


The compiler takes a partial source program and produces a partial target one. Ours is heavily inspired by that proposed in [CSF'16], which we report below with our changes. For simplicity, we assume:

  • T = [s, e) to be the interval in which code will reside
  • each module u to have a constant SB_u equal to the base of its stack in memory
  • each buffer u.b to have a constant BA_u_b denoting its base address in memory
  • a register r_one always carrying 1; r_com to be the register for parameter passing; r_aux~/~r_aux2 to be auxiliary registers; r_sp to be the register storing the current (local) stack pointer

Compiling partial programs

〚 comp Main : IMain { d* } 〛 ≜ Main : IMain { 〚 d* 〛 }

Compiling function defs

The module here is fixed and equal to Main.

〚 fun f { e } 〛 ≜
    define f {
           // load the stack pointer
           const SB_MAIN r_sp
           ld r_sp r_sp
           // store the argument passed in r_com in memory
           const BA_MAIN_ARG r_aux
           st r_com r_aux
           // compilation of the body
           〚 e 〛
           jmp ℓ_trailer
            // store the stack pointer
            const (SB_MAIN - 1) r_aux
            st r_sp r_aux
            const 0 r_i // forall i except for r_i = r_com

Compiling expressions

〚 v 〛 ≜ const v r_com

〚 e1 op e2 〛, op ≠ ; ≜
    〚 e1 〛
    // push r_com
    add r_sp r_one r_sp
    st r_com r_sp
    〚 e2 〛
    // pop into r_aux
    ld r_sp r_aux
    sub r_sp r_one r_sp
    op r_aux r_com r_com

〚 e1; e2 〛 ≜
    〚 e1 〛
    〚 e2 〛

〚 if e then e1 else e2 〛 ≜
        〚 e 〛
         bnz r_com ℓ1 ℓ2 // ℓ1 and ℓ2 fresh for the current function
    ℓ1: 〚 e1 〛
         jmp ℓe // ℓe fresh for the current function
    ℓ2: 〚 e2 〛
         jmp ℓe
    ℓe: nop

〚 b[e] 〛 ≜
        〚 e 〛
        const BA_MAIN_b r_aux
        add r_aux r_com r_aux
        ld r_aux r_com

〚 b[e] := e1 〛 ≜
        〚 e 〛
        const BA_MAIN_b r_aux
        add r_aux r_com r_aux
        // push r_aux
        add r_sp r_one
        st r_aux r_sp
        〚 e1 〛
        // pop the stack value in r_aux
        ld r_sp r_aux
        sub r_sp r_one
        // store the result
        st r_com r_aux

〚 u.f(e) 〛 ≜
        〚 e 〛
        // load arg[0] value in r_aux
        const BA_MAIN_ARG r_aux
        ld r_aux r_aux
        // store the loaded value on the stack
        add r_sp r_one
        st r_aux r_sp
        // store the old stack pointer
        const (SB_MAIN - 1) r_aux
        st r_sp r_aux
        const 0 r_i // forall i except for r_i = r_com
        // perform the call
        call u.f ℓr // ℓr fresh in the function
    ℓr: // restore the old stack pointer
        const 1 r_one
        const (SB_MAIN - 1) r_sp
        ld r_sp r_sp
        // pop the old argument into r_aux
        ld r_sp r_aux
        sub r_sp r_one r_sp
        // store it in the buffer, for futher use
        const BA_MAIN_ARG r_aux2
        st r_aux r_aux2

〚 halt 〛 ≜ halt

Proofs for the analyses

Source analysis

Let ⦇ · ⦈S be the source analysis with parameters k ∈ N and TestSet.

Theorem (Source analysis is complete). beh( ⦇ W ⦈S ) ⊆ beh(W).

Proof. Let t ∈ beh( ⦇ W ⦈S ).
By definition, the analysis extracts a t of length up to k from beh(W), so a trace t' that extends t must belong to beh(W). Finally, since beh is prefix-closed, it easily follows that also t ∈ beh(W) as requested. ∎

Target analysis

Let ⦇ · ⦈T be the target analysis of TrgAnalysis.v (we omit T when clear from the context).

Theorem (Target analysis is linear). ∀ C, P. beh( ⦇ C[P] ⦈ ) = beh(⦇ C ⦈ [ ⦇ P ⦈]).

Proof. Trivial, by defininition of ⦇ · ⦈ for whole programs. ∎

Informally, suppose to extend the target analysis to be able to analyse runtime configurations.

Lemma (Subject reduction).


  • initialcfg W —t→* (u, σ, mem, reg, pc) = cfg ∧
  • (ρ, aW) = initialcfg ⦇ W ⦈ ∧
  • ρ ⊢ aW —t→* aW' ∧
  • (u, σ, mem, reg, pc) —o→ (u', σ', mem', reg', pc') = cfg' ∧
  • ⦇ cfg ⦈ = aW'

then ∃ aW'' such that ρ ⊢ aW' —ε…ε.o→* aW'' ∧ ⦇ cfg' ⦈ ~ aW''.

Proof (sketch).

We go by cases on i = decode(mem(pc)).

  • i ∉ {ret, call u.f} it means that the current instruction is neither a call or a ret. The theses follow trivially by choosing aW'' = aW'.
  • i = call u.f, thus o = u.f; Since ⦇ cfg ⦈ = aW', by definition of ⦇·⦈ we know that ρ ⊢ aW' —u.f→ aW'', as requested. For the same reason, ⦇ cfg' ⦈ corresponds to the continuation of the program (i.e., starts with the body of u.f) and thus equals to aW'' (due to the copy rule in the semantics of history expressions).
  • i = ret Mutatis mutandis the previous case. ∎

Theorem (Target analysis is sound). ∀ C, P. beh(C[P]) ⊆ beh( ⦇ C[P] ⦈ )

Proof. Easily follows by induction on the length of traces and from the above subject reduction lemma. ∎


[CSF'16] Juglaret et al., Beyond Good and Evil: Formalizing the Security Guarantees of Compartmentalizing Compilation, CSF 2016


Coq development for secure translation validation






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