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Template info

This CV is based on a modified version of the YAAC: Another Awesome CV template.


Construct the header

Outside of the \socialinfo wrapper you have to define the mandatory parameters \name and \tagline.

% Define author's name
% Usage: \name{<firstname>}{<lastname>}
% Mandatory

% Define author's photo (optional)
% Usage: \photo[<shape: circular, square, roundedsquare, squircle>]{<diameter>}{<photo>}
% The shape of the author's photo is circular by default.

% Define author's tagline
% Usage: \tagline{<tag line>} 
% Mandatory
\tagline{Chef de projet IT}

Most social network have their command to render a clickable link or a simple text entry.

% Render author's linked-in (optional)
% Usage: \linkedin{<linked-in-nick>}

% Render author's viadeo(optional)
% Usage: \viadeo{<viadeo-nick>}

% Render author's github (optional)
% Usage: \github{<github-nick>}

% Render author's stackoverflow profile (optional)
% Usage: \stackoverflow{<stackoverflow-user-id>}

% Render author's stackexchange profile (optional)
% Usage: \stackexchange{<stackexchange-user-id>}

% Render author's email (optional)
% Usage: \email{<email adress>}
\email{[email protected]}

Put these command in the \socialinfo wrapper. Feel free to add \\ when you want to force a new line.

  \smartphone{+687 123 456}
  \email{[email protected]}\\
  \address{2 Rue du quartier, 98765 Ville, Pays}\\
  \infos{Né le 23 septembre 1982 (35 ans) à Nouméa, Nouvelle-Calédonie}

Use the \makecvheadercommand to generate the header.


Set the left column size

Sections share the left column size (2.5cm by default). You can change this default size using the \setleftcolumnlength command.

% Override default left column length of (2.5cm) (optional)
% Usage: \setleftcolumnlength{1.5cm} to change the left column lengtyh to 1.5cm
% I recommend to use a size between 1.5cm to 2.5cm

Construct the comptences or skills section

To list your awesome skills as keyword lists you first have to declare the keywords environment and then fill it with a list of keywordsentry

% Begin a new keywords environment to show us your awesome keywords
    % Here's go your keyword lists group by categories
    \keywordsentry{Frameworks}{Spring, Spring Boot, \textbf{Ionic 3}, Angular 2, Angular 4, ZK, JBoss RichFaces}

Construct the experiences section

To describe your experiences you have first to declare the experiences environment

% Begin a new experiences environment to use experience and consultantexperience macro

% Here's go your experiences


Then you can describe your experiences using \experience and \consultantexperience entries. Each entry must be separated by the \emptyseparator

% Begin a new experiences environment to use experience and consultantexperience macro

% The experience entry work as below and can be used to describe a job experience
    {End date}      {Experience title}{Enterprise}{Country}
    {Begin date}    {
    				  experience details
                        \item Item 1: _Item 1 description_
                        \item Item 2: _Item 2 description_
                        \item Item 3: _Item 3 description_
                    {Technology highlights}

% The emptyseparator macro is used to create white space in your experience

% The consultantexperience macro is very similar to the experience macro, but offer you 
% the possibility tu put client details
    {End date}        {Experience title}{Enterprise}{Country}
    {Begin date}      {Client job title}{Clent enterprise}
                      experience details
                        \item Item 1: _Item 1 description_
                        \item Item 2: _Item 2 description_
                        \item Item 3: _Item 3 description_
                    {Technology highlights}

Construct the languages section

The languages section use the skills environment.

% Begin a new skills environment and fill it with skill entries

% Render a skill in the skills environment
% Usage: \skill{<skill>}{<level between 1 and 5>}

% End the skills environment    

Construct the scolarship section

The scolarship section use the scolarship environment.


  % Render a scholarshipentry in the scolarship environment
  % Usage: \scholarshipentry{<date>}{<description>}
    {Master STIC Professionel filière MBDS de l'Université de Nice Sophia Antipolis (Master Informatique spécialité Multimédia, Base de Données et intégration de Systèmes)}
    {Licence Sciences et Technologies, Mention Informatique, de l'Université de Nouvelle-Calédonie}

Construct the projects section

The projects section use the projects environment.

    {Simply City}{2017 - 2018}
    {\website{}{} \website{}{Présentation CES 2018} }
    {Simply City est une application mobile, gratuite et participative destinée à tous les habitants, visiteurs et touristes qui séjournent dans une ville. L’application permet de connaître toutes les informations et services utiles en temps réel.}
    {Ionic 3,Typescript,Javascript,Visual Studio Code}

Construct the references section

The references section use the references environment.


    % Here's go your references


Then you can list your references as follow:

      {John Snow}
      {Lord Commander of the Night Watch}
      {Night Watch}
      {[email protected]}
      {+687 987 654}

      {Géry Loutre}
      {Architecte logiciel}
      {[email protected]}
      {+687 987 654}


Construct the publications section

The publications section use the publications environment.


    % Here's go your references


Then you can list your references as follow:

  % Splits the bibliography per citation type (here Journal Aricles)
  \printbibliography[heading=subbibliography,title={Journal Articles},type=article]

  % Or for the full list without separating by type