(UTC -12:00) - https://matthewdev.pro/
Write components once, run everywhere. Compiles to React, Vue, Qwik, Solid, Angular, Svelte, and more.
👨⚕️ Simple concept for doctor appointments app which purpose to help general people manage their schedule.
This repository is part of an ionic tutorial about Maps! In this tutorial we merged Google maps, Geolocation and Google Places. This ionic tutorial includes a working example you can reuse for your…
A simple Booking-App built using Angular + Ionic
Flutter Home Service Application Example - Day 35
An eCommerce app developed using Ionic 5 and Angular 12
Ionic Biometric Auth - FaceID & FingerPrint Lock
Google Places API Integration with Ionic
Drag Marker and Map in Google Maps using Ionic framework
Ionic - Google Map Live Tracking using Firebase
Ionic 6+ Finance App UI - Part 1
Ionic 7 Angular (standalone) - Job Finder App UI
📋 Ionic 5 app to collect items in a shopping basket, tutorial code from Simon Grimm at the Ionic Academy
Free UI templates built in Ionic & Angular
Full stack, fully-featured social media web application using React, Firebase, Redux, Express, and Material-UI. Implemented backend REST API server with Node.js and Express, user login and authenti…
chat app utilizing python flask, jinja, sql-alchemy, ajax
Generate massive amounts of fake data in the browser and node.js
A basic notes app with CRUD and filtering
💬 Angular Chat SDK ➜ Stream Chat. Build a chat app with ease.
Soundnode App is the Soundcloud for desktop. Built with Electron, Angular.js and Soundcloud API.
Master modern web development by building an improved version of Spotify. With a modern homepage, fully-fledged music player, search, lyrics, song exploration features, search, popular music around…
Build and Deploy a Modern YouTube Clone Application in React JS with Material UI 5
This is a code repository for the corresponding YouTube video. In this tutorial we are going to build and deploy a real time chat application. Covered topics: React.js, Node.js, Express.js, and Soc…
Modern Full Stack ECommerce Application with Stripe
Image Sharing Social Media App